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Is it possible to develop cancer on tooth?

Dentist or Doctor Surgeon

You probably know that you have to take care of your teeth from a young age to prevent developing cavities or other oral diseases. As such, many people will brush their teeth at least once a day, floss regularly and visit the dentist for check-ups. If you’re reading this article, it means you’re curious about the latest research findings on whether it is possible to develop oral cancer in a tooth and if so, what are the risk factors? Keep reading to learn more!

What is oral Cancer?

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow and multiply uncontrollably. Although different types of mouth cancer exist, they all start when a cell that has been damaged or altered in some way fails to die. Instead, it divides uncontrollably and builds up a mass which can cause problems in surrounding tissues and organs, even if it stays in one place. There are many different types of cancer, and they are named according to the type of tissue they form in.

oral cancer CAJTeeth

There are two main classifications of cancers: Oral cancers are cancers that occur in the mouth and surrounding areas, including the lips, tongue, and the inside of your cheeks. The rest of this article will focus on oral cancer, with a specific look at the risk factors and types of oral cancer that can develop from the teeth.

Why is it so rare to develop Cancer from a Tooth?

To understand why it is so rare for cancer to develop from a tooth, it is first important to understand the structure of the tooth and what is found inside of it. The tooth consists of a hard outer shell (enamel), soft connective tissue center (dentin), blood vessels, and nerves. In a healthy tooth, there is also a thin layer of bacteria that lives on the surface of the tooth.

Tooth Erosion Brittle

Why is this important? Well, as a dentist, you might notice that certain stains on your teeth are very hard to remove. It’s because the bacteria in your mouth are very good at adhering to the surface of your teeth. As this bacteria is living in a pretty hostile environment, it produces chemical compounds to defend itself. So while the bacteria on the surface of your teeth are still bacteria, they don’t make toxins like those found in the bacteria that causes infections.

Risk Factors for developing Cancer in a Tooth

Age – Being older increases the risk of developing cancer in general but it is unclear why this is. Some researchers believe that our immune systems get worse as we age and so we are less able to fight off infections.

Gender – Men are slightly more likely to develop oral cancer than women.

Race – People of Asian or African descent are more likely to develop oral cancer. This is thought to be due to a higher rate of smoking in these populations.

oral cancer carcinogenic

Genetics – A person with a family history of oral cancer is more likely to develop it themselves. This can be due to a number of different genetic mutations.

HPV – People with HPV are more likely to develop oral cancer. – Other risk factors can include smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

Types of Cancer you can develop on Teeth

If you have seen pictures of people who have had oral cancer, you’ll know that it can cause a lot of damage to the surrounding tissues. Yes, you might develop cancer in a tooth but you could also develop cancer in your tongue, gums, palate or tonsils.

The cancers that develop in the mouth are squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), which develops in the skin cells around your teeth, and cancers of the salivary glands. These cancers can also spread to other parts of the body and unfortunately, they have a very high death rate.


Finally, we hope that you’ve found this article helpful. We understand that lots of people are curious about whether it’s possible to develop cancer in a tooth, so we hope that this article answers all of your questions. As this article explains, it is very rare to develop cancer in a tooth, and if you have any concerns about oral health, you should visit your dentist. They can perform an examination and identify any problems before they become serious.

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