flossing oral hygiene

Tooth decay is the process of your teeth degrading from natural sugars found in almost all food and drink. It’s a common problem that affects up to 90% of adults at some point in their life. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to further problems, including tooth infection, abscesses, inflammation, and even tooth loss. But it doesn’t have to be something you constantly worry about. There are many ways you can prevent or treat tooth decay fast. Tooth decay is an accumulation of acidic plaque bacteria on your teeth that leads to demineralization or weakening of the enamel and dentin layers. The best way to avoid and treat dental cavity fast is by practicing good oral hygiene habits. Such as brushing twice a day with fluoride-rich toothpaste and flossing daily between your gums once a day.

Eat a healthy diet and rinse with mouthwash

If your diet is high in sugar, you’re much more likely to experience dental decay than someone who eats a low-sugar diet. And while brushing your teeth will remove plaque, it won’t remove the sugar that causes the plaque. Eating a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will not only help prevent tooth decay, but will also contribute to your overall health. Rinsing with mouthwash after eating can also help to prevent plaque buildup and dental cavity. When purchasing mouthwash, look for one that contains fluoride.


Fluoride is a mineral that prevents tooth decay by stopping bacteria from producing acid that leads to enamel demineralization. As a bonus, fluoride also helps strengthen your teeth. If you have braces, be careful when using mouthwash as it can cause the brackets to discolor.

Use dental sealants for oral hygiene

Dental sealants are thin, plastic coatings that are applied to the biting surfaces of your teeth. They’re often used in children to protect the molars. In older teens and adults, dental sealants can help protect all teeth from dental decay, including molars. If you have a high risk of developing tooth decay due to dental issues, sealants may also be recommended.

While sealants are an excellent way to prevent dental cavity, they can’t treat existing tooth decay. If you have tooth decay in a tooth that’s been sealed, your dentist may recommend a dental filling to restore the tooth. But in many cases, sealants can prevent dental decay from happening in the first place. If you’re at risk of developing tooth decay, talk to your dentist about if dental sealants are right for you.

Try fluoride toothpaste for dental cavity

You might be surprised to learn that fluoride toothpaste isn’t just for kids. It’s a great way for adults to prevent tooth decay by strengthening teeth and preventing plaque buildup. While all toothpastes contain fluoride, you can find specially formulated toothpastes and gels that contain higher amounts of fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste is a great tool for adults who want to prevent this.

fluoride toothpaste

If you have small children, avoid brushing their teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride as they may accidentally swallow it. Instead, use a children’s toothpaste that’s formulated for young mouths. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time to prevent this and other oral health issues.

Have your teeth professionally cleaned and polished

Regular cleanings are one of the best ways to prevent that. When performed by a dental hygienist, a teeth cleaning removes plaque and tartar from your teeth, along with bacteria and chemicals that lead to tooth decay. Dental cleanings are often referred to as professional cleanings or cleanings and fillings. This will maintain good oral hygiene.

During a teeth cleaning, your dental hygienist may polish your teeth to remove stains and make your teeth look whiter. While a teeth cleaning won’t treat existing, it’s one of the best ways to prevent it. If you don’t visit the dentist regularly, you’re at a higher risk of developing, as well as more serious conditions.

Get a dental filling and fluoride treatment

If you notice that your tooth has decayed to the point where it can’t be saved, your dentist may recommend a dental filling. But before they do, they may recommend a fluoride treatment to help prevent this in the surrounding teeth. A fluoride treatment is a preventative dental treatment that uses a special solution to kill bacteria and prevent tooth decay in an area that has been treated or restored.

A dental filling is a tooth restoration process that can treat tooth decay and an old filling. When bacteria and plaque accumulate in the tooth, it leads to tooth decay. When a tooth is decayed, it often feels sensitive and you may notice a bad taste in your mouth. A dental filling is a way to restore a tooth that has been decayed or damaged.


This is a very common dental issue that can affect anyone. While it’s easy to brush and floss your teeth, it’s not so easy to avoid sugar. The best way to treat tooth decay fast is to practice good oral hygiene and avoid sugar where possible. If you notice the be sure to talk to your dentist as soon as possible. They can recommend one of the ways to treat Your fast to prevent it from getting worse.

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