Conservative DentistryCosmetic DentistrySAPTeeth

Do gums grow back on the dental crown?

SAPTeeth dental crown

When your dentist places a dental crown on your tooth, he or she will remove the majority of the original tooth to make new restoration. The chewing surface and some of the supporting structure remains after this process, which is why it’s possible for your gum to grow back on crown. If you have a crown fitted specifically because of decay that has spread beneath your gums, makes you at risk of fracturing the tooth further, it isn’t advisable for you to try to grow back your gums over it. Doing so could put you at risk of bacteria or food particles being trapped underneath the crown, leading to potential future problems. Additionally, your dentist will take precautions to restore your crown underneath your gums.

Follow a regular oral care routine of brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once a day to maintain healthy gums. Some dentists may recommend an antibacterial rinse or mouthwash to help preserve healthy gums after you are treated for gum disease.

What can cause gums to grow over a dental crown?

The most common reasons gums might be growing over a dental crown are listed below. There is a higher risk of gum growth with a crown than with a filling because the crown is placed further away from your teeth and gums. This puts it at risk of being more exposed to bacteria, which can cause the gum tissue to swell. Gum regrowth can occur if you have an infection, or your gums are inflamed (gingivitis).

gummy smile

It can also happen if you have a condition like diabetes that affects the health of your gums. If you have had a recent tooth extraction and the gum tissue is still inflamed, then it might start to grow over the crown. This can be a common problem if the dentist doesn’t apply a dressing after extraction to stop the bleeding and inflammation.

Do gums grow back after a gum lift?

Gum lifting is a sensitive dental surgical process. Hence, it takes a few weeks to recover from it. Recovery also depends on the complications of the overall process and the actual gum condition before the surgery.
In general, if the surgery goes well and we take care of the gums then, those will never grow back. But, technically, the distance between the bones and gums must be 3mm at least.
In addition, to get the desired result we need to consider the following things to protect our teeth and gums so that we can easily avoid the gum re-growth issue.

gummy smile
Gum Treatment gum recession
  1. Clean the gums and teeth regularly. Use a soft toothbrush and clean nicely.
  2. Daily floss your teeth at least once a day to pull out food particles from the teeth and gums.
  3. Eat soft and healthy food. This will prevent the oral system from getting damaged.
  4. Strictly say no to smoking and stop drinking alcohol.
  5. Take adequate rest post-surgery.
  6. Most importantly, visit your dentist on a regular basis to avoid problems.

Do you know if gums are growing over dental crown?

It’s difficult to spot if your gums are growing over a crown, as it can be subtle. As such, you may not notice it until it is too late and you notice some irritation or pain. If your crown is fitted tightly, you might notice some discomfort when chewing and eating. You might also notice that food is harder to chew if the crown is pressing against your gum. You may also see areas of bleeding if your crown is pressing against your gum, leading to it being trapped against your teeth.

gum disease periodontal disease

If you have a loose crown or one that is poorly fitted, it may cause your gum to grow over it. You might notice your gum is starting to push against the crown as it swells, which can lead to discomfort. Food might get trapped underneath the crown and lead to infection.

Strategies to help prevent gum growth over Dental Crown

It is possible to prevent gum growth over a dental crown by getting regular dental checkups, brushing and flossing your teeth daily, and eating a balanced diet. This can help keep your teeth and gums healthy, reducing your risk of infection and gingivitis. Cleaning beneath and around the crown with soft bristled toothbrushes and interdental brushes can also help to prevent gum growth over the crown and keep it free from food particles and plaque.

3 Strategies to Help Stop Gum Growth Over a Crown

If your gum has grown over the crown and you are concerned about it. There are a few things you can do to address it. Your dentist will be able to give you more advice on what to do next based on the severity of the problem. For mild gum growth over a crown. Your dentist may remove the excess gum tissue using one of the following procedures:

Excess gum removal: This involves your dentist using a scalpel to shave off the extra gum tissue.

Extra gum removal with grafting: In this case, your dentist will also take a small sample of healthy gum tissue from another area of your mouth and graft it over the crown.

Excess gum removal with flap surgery: In this case, your dentist will remove a flap of gum tissue and then reposition it over the crown.


Gums growing over a dental crown can be an incredibly difficult problem to deal with. Especially if it is an extensive problem. It is important to keep in mind that not all crowns are immediately visible. So it may be difficult to identify if your gum is growing over it. If you notice any gum growth over a dental crown, it is important to visit your dentist. Your dentist will be able to identify the severity of the problem and recommend the best course of action.

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