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Blame tooth cavity, not my Chocolate

girl enjoying her chocolate bite

Chocolates are a delight for every one, be it children or adults. It consists of different types such as, gummies, candies, caramel, lollypops, fudge, white chocolates, milk chocolates, dark chocolates. Chocolates consumed any time of the day with relish as they give you a feeling of happiness and pleasure and boosts adrenaline. Tooth cavity can be avoided despite eating chocolates.

Chocolates have sugar content. This is in the form of raw and processed sugars. It consist of combination of cocoa, powdered milk and sugar. The higher sugar content chocolates can cause cavity more than dark chocolate. Dark chocolates are a good choice as they keep our teeth cavity free.

Chocolates are the most favourite and widely consumed food type, but do chocolate really create tooth cavity?

Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolates contains 70% cocoa, 20% powdered milk and 10% sugar. They contain polyphenols, flavonoid and antioxidant’s. Polyphenols prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria’s. They also prevent some sugars from turning into acid which breaks down enamel and causes tooth cavity. These antioxidants help to fight against gum disease. 

Milk Chocolates

Milk chocolate is the most popular and widely consumed types of chocolate. Unfortunately, it is not so great for your teeth. The answer is simple. Milk chocolate contains more sugar than its dark chocolate counterparts and much more than raw and unprocessed chocolate. Dark chocolate is by far the better choice when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy and cavity free.

girl enjoying her chocolate bite

Sugar in chocolate

Sugar in chocolate attract bacteria, tooth decay occurs when bacteria of oral cavity  turns sugar into acid. Most commonly found bacteria are Streptococcus mutans and sobrirus. These bacteria survive by utilising sugar which we eat and form dental plaque, which forms on surface of teeth. Once the sugar broken down into acids by this bacteria there breakdown of enamel followed by cavity formation.

The ph of an oral cavity is 7. As soon as we consume carbohydrates like chocolates the ph becomes acidic with in 10 minutes and then becomes to basic ph of around 8-9 after 20 minutes. To reverse this acidic attack on our teeth one should consume water or alkaline foods within 10 minutes. If the plaque not eliminated while brushing, bacteria in the saliva continue to turn into acid.

What are the benefits of eating chocolates?

Chocolate releases endorphins. They are the hormones which are designed to help us feel good and happy.

Good for heart and circulation.

Reduces stress for many across ages.

Powerful source of anti-oxidants.

sugar food
Blame tooth cavity, not my Chocolate

Sugar Content at a Glance

The numbers are not that much, but over time the differences can pay a toll on your teeth, resulting in tooth decay, cavities, and more.

White Chocolate: 17 grams per ounce
Milk Chocolate: 15 grams per ounce
Dark Chocolate: 14 grams per ounce

How Can Your Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs over time. However, it can be mostly prevented by cutting down on your sugar intake, watching what types of foods you eat, both sweet and savory, and ensuring that you are brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis. It also helps to visit your dentist two times per year to identify oral problems early and remove plaque and tartar buildup.

best food for teeth
Eat healthy, stay healthy!

Precautions to avoid cavity after chocolate:

? Gargling or drinking water after chocolate consumption is of utmost importance, this helps to rinse the mouth and dilute sugar so that it doesn’t stick to the tooth surface.

? It is also advisable to eat sugary or sweetened products to have them with meals instead in between to prevent acid attacks for longer period.

? Chocolate consumption is avoided before going to bed as during night time the secretion of saliva is low. This causes the remnants of chocolate  to adhere on tooth surface thereby causing tooth decay.

? Tooth decay can be overcome by alkaline food such as fennel seeds or peanuts after having sweet or acidic food to neutralise the decay causing process.

? Visit to a dentist every 3-6 months for both children and adults helps to access one’s oral hygiene and its maintenance to prevent cavity and gum disease.

? The bottom line is to keep intake of chocolates minimum especially between meals and right before bed time.

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1 Comment

  1. Dark chocolates are a good choice as they keep our teeth cavity free. Dark chocolate is by far the better choice when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy and cavity free.

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