tooth decay

Having cavity is not anyone’s idea of good time, but unfortunately they are one of the most common dental problems. Nearly everyone will experience them in their life. infection of tooth caused by acid in your mouth and dissolving the enamel and dentin. They are also known as cavities or tooth decay. The primary causes of this are frequent sugar intake, poor oral hygiene and genetics. Though we cannot prevent getting them altogether, there are many things you can do to help reduce your risk. Here’s everything you need to know about cavities from their different types to prevention tips and home remedies.

tooth decay cavities
Painful Tooth

What is the cause go dental cavity?

When we consume sugary or starchy foods they are transformed into sugar in our bodies. This sugar travels to our teeth where it used as source of energy for the bacteria already present. The bacteria metabolizes this sugar and produces lactic acid as a byproduct. The lactic acid attacks the enamel of teeth and weakens it, making it easier for more bacteria to teeth. If untreated, the bacteria will travel through the tooth and can infect the roots.

The roots of teeth are connected to bone, it can lead to infection that can spread to your blood. That is why they are a serious issue and must be treated as soon as possible.

Types of Tooth decay or Dental Cavity

Dental Caries – An infection of a tooth due to bacterial action on fermentable carbohydrates, especially sucrose (table sugar), in the presence of fermentable carbohydrates. It may occur in any part of the tooth, but the most common site is the surface of the teeth.

Root Canal – A dental procedure that is done when the bacteria from the root of the tooth has already traveled through the tooth and reached the soft tissue near the tooth.

Dentin Caries – Dentin is the substance that lies below the enamel in teeth. Dentin caries is a cavity in the pulp of the tooth that can be very painful.

Root Caries – this is the root surface of a tooth.

Fillings – This is the most common form of dental treatment for cavities. They are used for all types of cavities.

Crown – A cover for a tooth that is usually bigger than the tooth itself.

Prevention Tips For Cavities

Limit Sugar Intake – This is the number one rule for reducing your risk of tooth decay, and we cannot stress it enough. Sugars, like sucrose (table sugar), fructose (in fruits), glucose (in corn syrup), and lactose (in milk products) are the most common cause of cavities. Other than the obvious sweets, you need to be extra careful with unexpected sources of sugar in your diet. For example, ketchup, salad dressing, and even certain types of bread contain high amounts of sugar.

sugar and dental health

Eat a Healthy Diet – Cavities are caused by bacteria in our mouths metabolising sugar and forming lactic acid. Therefore, the more sugar we eat, the more bacteria there is to create lactic acid. Fortunately, there are many foods that are naturally anti-inflammatory and help reduce the risk of cavities. Examples of foods that are both healthy and helpful in preventing cavities include almonds, avocados, salmon, and broccoli.

Eat after root canal

Brush and Floss Regularly – Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day is the first line of defense against dental cavity. It removes plaque formed by bacteria and food particles from your teeth.

Use a Mouthwash – Besides brushing and flossing, it is also highly recommended that you use a mouthwash. It is recommended to use it after brushing in the morning and before bed.

FAQ: Everything You Need To Know

How do you know if you have tooth decay?

A dentist will be able to identify from an examination. However, if you are experiencing a sharp toothache that does not go away even after applying a painkiller, there is a high chance that you have a tooth cavity that has broken through the enamel and is infecting the soft tissue of your tooth.

brush for oral hygiene

Can you feel dental cavity?

Yes, you can feel a cavity with your toothbrush. If you feel a soft spot on your tooth, it is most likely a cavity.

How do you prevent cavities?

The best way to prevent cavities is to reduce your sugar intake. A healthy diet and oral hygiene habits can also help prevent cavities. How long does it take for a tooth decay. It can take little as 2 to 3 weeks for a cavity to form after you start eating sugary foods. Bleeding, swelling, and pain in your gums and teeth are the most common signs of a cavity.



Having a cavity is unfortunately not uncommon, and everyone is at risk of getting them. The best way to prevent cavities is to limit your sugar intake. It may also good idea to see your dentist every 6 months for checkup and cleaning session to catch early. If you already have a tooth cavity, visit your dentist as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading. With the right knowledge and habits, you can help prevent and effectively.

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