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What can cause rapid tooth decay?

tooth decay

Do you often find yourself wondering about the source of rapid tooth decay? Are there certain foods or habits that cause our teeth to wear out faster than normal? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then you should read on because you’re in for a treat! Rapid dental caries can have many different sources and causes. In this article, we will explore some of the most common ones so that you may better understand!

What is Rapid Tooth Decay?

Rapid tooth decay, also known as early dental caries, occurs before the age of 5 years. It is usually caused by eating foods that contain high levels of sugar, but which have not been properly chewed and digested. If you are below the age of 5, your teeth are at a low risk of decay. This is because your teeth are still soft and malleable, so children’s teeth are less likely to become decayed. Therefore, if you are below the age of 5 and you have been eating sugar-containing foods, then it is highly likely that you will experience tooth decay in the future.

Tooth pain

Why do Dental caries quicken than normal?

The reason that tooth decay happens faster than normal is because teeth are still developing while you are eating sugary foods. It is normal to have some tooth decay while you are young. However, when you consume a lot of sugary foods, then you are more likely to experience rapid dental cavities. In fact, in some studies, it has been found that children who consume high amounts of sugar are almost five times more likely to experience decays than those who don’t eat sugary foods.

Dr Chirag Chamria

Sugar as a cause of rapid Tooth Decay

Sugar is the type of carbohydrate that is most commonly associated with tooth decay. Often, when we talk about rapid tooth decay, we are actually talking about sugar as the main cause of dental cavity. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that is found in many foods. It is what makes up the majority of soft drinks, confectionary treats, cereals, and many other foods. Foods high in sugar usually include things like fruits, cereals, and chocolate.

sugar and dental health

Starch as a Cause of Rapid Tooth Decay

Starch is a complex carbohydrate that is found in many foods and is what bread is made from. Like sugar, it is a simple carbohydrate that is found in many foods. However, starch is also a complex carbohydrate that contains chains of sugars that are much longer than those found in sugar. This means that starch contains more calories and is often used as a source of energy.

dental caries

Acidic Foods as a Cause of Rapid Tooth Decay

Many foods can cause tooth caries because they are high in acidity. By acidity, we are referring to the hydrogen ions that are found in almost all foods. These ions can cause tooth decay because they attack the minerals in your teeth, weakening them. Many acidic foods fall under the category of soft drinks, fruit juice, and colas. Fruit juice, soft drinks, and other beverages are very acidic and are often the main cause of rapid dental decay.

junk food
Junk Food

Bacteria as the source of rapid Dental Caries

Rapid tooth decay can be due to bacteria. Bacteria are very small organisms that can be found in almost every part of your body. They are found in your mouth and are necessary for digestion. However, they can also cause dental caries if they get into your teeth. If bacteria get into your teeth, they can start to decompose the tooth enamel. This means that the tooth becomes weak and susceptible to decay. Bacteria are known to attack tooth enamel. You can decrease the chance of this by brushing your teeth after meals, drinking plenty of water, and chewing food thoroughly.


Rapid decays is the result of a combination of factors that cause cavity before the age of 5. These factors include consuming high amounts of sugar, eating soft and acidic foods, and being exposed to bacteria in your mouth. It is important to note that even if you experience rapid tooth decay, you can still maintain good oral health. If you adhere to a healthy diet, drink enough water, and brush your teeth twice a day, then you can still prevent it.

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