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Do you know that the bacteria in your mouth are some of the most hostile organisms on earth? They’re resilient and they’ll find any crack or crevice to colonize. Fortunately, there is a solution: prevention. The sooner you deal with gum disease, the better your odds of beating it. When left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, which can be fatal if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are many ways to stop the progression of periodontal disease in its tracks and recover in a jiffy.

What are Gum Diseases?

Gum disease is a condition caused by bacteria in the mouth that destroys gums and bone around the teeth. It can lead to tooth loss and also cause chronic bad breath. There are various stages of periodontal diseases:

Early Stage: At this stage, gums are red and swollen and may bleed easily. People with early periodontal or gum disease may also experience headaches, increased risk of dental infections and increased risk of losing teeth.

bleeding gums periodontitis
Oral hygiene

Middle Stage: During the middle stage, the condition has progressed to a stage where the gums are dark and swollen, bleeding easily and likely to bleed out when touched. This is when tooth loss can become quite common.

Late Stage: This is the deadliest stage of gum disease, and the one you want to avoid at all costs. In this stage, the gums are red and swollen, have a dark color, and have a thin layer of tissue covering them. The tissue is very fragile, and you can easily hurt or damage it by brushing your teeth too hard, biting something or even plucking a hair. This is when periodontitis or periodontal disease can set in and be fatal.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Bad breath: This should be your first sign that something is amiss. There are two reasons for bad breath: gum disease and oral cancer. Unpleasant-smelling breath: This is a result of bad breath from the infection and build-up of bacteria in the mouth. Tooth loss: If you notice that one or more teeth has started to become loose, then it is an indication that gum disease is progressing.

heathy vs gingivitis gums
Gum Disease

How to Get Rid of Gum Disease?

Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day, especially after meals and before going to bed. Also, make sure you use a soft toothbrush that does not contain abrasives. Take a tablet twice a day and swish it around in your mouth for at least five minutes before spitting it out. The right diet can go a long way when it comes to treating gum disease. You need to make sure that you don’t have a sweets-heavy diet.

Instead, you need to focus on eating more veggies and fibrous fruits. Additionally, you should also make sure that you are drinking enough water as well. If you are not sure what to eat, then you can try eating more veggies and fibrous fruits. These are healthy foods that can help you fight against gum disease.

Foods that cure Gum Disease or Periodontitis

If you want to beat gum disease, you need to bring on the right foods. These are foods that are good for your teeth, gums and lessening the risk of developing periodontal disease. Some of these include:

Tomatoes – Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an anti-cancer compound that can also strengthen your teeth by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.

Fresh Coconut Water – Fresh coconut water is rich in enzymes that can help you fight against gum disease.

Coconut Oil – This is rich in medium-chain fatty acids that can help soothe your gums and strengthen your teeth.

Grapes – Grapes are rich in antioxidants that can help reduce the amount of plaque in your mouth and therefore protecting your teeth from the build-up of bacteria.

What’s batching?

Most people who are suffering from periodontal disease are also suffering from heart disease. If you want to bring on the heart-friendly foods that can help you recover from gum disease, then you need to take a batching and walk it off.

What’s batching? Batching is the process of adding healthy fats to your meals to increase satiety and promote weight loss. Healthy fats can be added to your meals to make them more satiating, without affecting the taste of your food. Healthy fats can be added to your meals to make them more satiating, without affecting the taste of your food.

Some of the healthy fats that can be added to your meals include:

Flaxseed – Flaxseed is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can help you recover from gum disease.

Olive Oil – This fatty acid is heart-friendly, can help ease digestion and promote weight loss.

Don’t Forget The IV fluids!

Most people who are suffering from periodontitis are also battling diabetes. If you want to recover from gum disease, you need to make sure that you are controlling your blood sugar. This means that you should eat healthy, but don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated.

A good rule of thumb is to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. You can also add lemon or orange slices to your water for added benefits. Additionally, you can make an appointment with your doctor and ask them for a referral to a diabetes specialist. These are people who can show you how to control your diabetes and help you recover from periodontitis.


Gum disease has been linked to many other diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and even diabetes. If you want to beat it, then you need to adopt good oral health habits. You can also try chewing sugar-free gum while brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush, and using mouthwash. You can also try eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and making sure that you are controlling your blood sugar.

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