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Leave Night Grinding without being Noticed

night grinding vs healthy teeth

Most people grind or clench their teeth at night without their own notice. Intermittent grinding, medically called bruxism may not usually cause any harm. But if teeth grinding occurs routinely, then the teeth damaged along with other dental complications. This Night Grinding may be due to stress or anxiety, an abnormal bite, missing teeth or sleep apnea.  Wearing a nightguard may help!

Mild bruxism may not require any treatment. In some cases, bruxism can be frequent and severe enough to lead to jaw disorders, headaches, crooked teeth and other problems. Because most bruxisms are sleep bruxism and one may be unaware of it until complications develop, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of bruxism and to seek regular dental care.  

grind your teeth
Night grinding can be caused due to lot of stress.

Bruxism especially at night is one of the worst nightmares for any dentist. The failure of a dental implant, fracture of prosthesis, pain in the jaw and joints are the most common complaints of a patient. As a dentist, we should be able to diagnose and manage such cases effectively. After more than 3000+ zirconia, zirconia ceramic and metal ceramic cases finally we have found a material which is suitable in such cases at Royal Dental Clinics.

A framework of SAPT.PEEK with SAPT.HIPC crowns over it is unique. SAPT.PEEK acts as a shock absorber and effectively dissipates the load. In fact the flexural strength of SAPT.PEEK is similar to that of natural bone and hence it is difficult to break. SAPT.HIPC a unique tooth coloured material. It only allows 4 % load to pass through. It acts like a cushion to the joint and jaw.  

Royal Dental Clinics Patient Case Study 2012:

Results 2012 vs 2018! Wonders of save your teeth with SAPTeeth.

Back in 2012 the patient chose metal-ceramic prosthesis from the options. But by 2018 the bridge had loosened and the internal structures were damaged. A new digital restoration was planned and executed for the patient. SAPTeeth restoration were placed along with a Peek framework. In these 3 years the patient reports to be the most comfortable and the pain in joint has drastically reduced. SAPT.PEEK + SAPT.HIPC combination has a wear and tear life of 9 years and can be re aligned without a major intervention.  

Another patient Mr Prakash, has been with us over 30 years. Mr Jain was treated with our exclusive One Day Treatment with prosthesis of SAPT.HIPC. As Mr Jain states “It is possible only with Royal Dental Implant“. 

He got his crooked teeth fixed in just few hours while he was suffering from severe bruxism due to work stress.  

Ways to reduce night grinding and stress

Dental Nightguard consists of plastic material upper and lower trays for mouth. Nightguards worn when a patient has a habit of unconscious night grinding of their teeth due to stress (bruxism). Plastic nightguards act as a thick barrier between the upper and lower teeth which helps to protect our teeth from extreme attrition. Do I Need A Dental Nightguard?

women wearing dental nightguard
Close-up of woman wearing orthodontic silicone trainer. Invisible braces aligner.

The night-guards prevent excessive force on the underlying teeth and bone. Without it the tooth can chip-off, crack or fracture leading to loss of aesthetics and functionality in the long run. Yoga and meditation to certain level, do help in reducing the stress. Exercise also reduces stress by producing feel-good endorphins. Talking to a therapist, counselor, or trusted friend may help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.

Constantly looking for new ways to innovate and improve on their offerings, the Team at Royal Dental Clinics involves themselves in more research and developmental work, which, in turn, enables them to innovate solutions in the world of dentistry such as ‘Same Day Fixed Teeth’. Royal Dental Clinics established its in-house manufacturing unit in 1989 and an in- house Royal Dental Lab (RDL) in 2004. RDL makes crowns and bridges for a long-term dental prosthesis such as in-house CADCAM (Computer Aided Designing Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology and 3D printing.  

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