Option for Your Smile After Oral Cancer
Oral cancer can be devastating. The treatments are complex, invasive, and often painful. However, the best option for you is to replace your teeth with dental implants in order to keep your face intact. Here are some benefits of fixed teeth with dental implants in oral cancers.
Oral Cancer and Tooth Loss
Oral cancers can be a life-altering experience. With the potential to cause not only serious health problems, but also significant financial and social issues, oral cancers often lead to tooth loss. This is because cancer treatments can damage the gums and bone in your mouth, which makes it difficult for your teeth to remain anchored in their sockets. As a result, you may need to have all of your teeth removed.
If you’re considering restoring your smile with dental implants in oral cancers, there are many benefits that will make it worth it for you.
Dental implants in oral cancers
Dental implants are the best option for you if you’ve had oral cancer. Why? Furthermore, you’ll need to replace your teeth with dental implants because of the treatments. Replacing your teeth will help your face maintain its natural look.
Generally, people are less concerned when it comes to a dental treatment. Hence, most patients avoid getting dental treatment done and also feel that dental procedures are very expensive and time-consuming as multiple visits are required. However, Root canal treatment is a very common dental procedure and done in one sitting.
Plus, dental implants are more convenient than dentures or bridges. However, you won’t have to worry about getting them wet or eating certain foods that may cause them to break. Dental implants are safe and comfortable in oral cancers.
Advanced technologies
With advent of Cone Beam Computerised Technology (CBCT) a 3D scan of your cancer affected jaw with surrounding structures can now be printed on a 3D printer and accurate mouth cancer surgery along with replacement of teeth in the new jaw is now possible within few hours at Royal Dental Clinics. Here’s one more educating and informative video by Dr. Chirag Chamria, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon at Royal Dental Clinics about Cancer Affected Jaw Teeth.
Aim is to not to ‘Fight Cancer’; Rather ‘Reconstruct what is lost’
Dr Chirag Chamria
Why dental implants after oral cancer?
Dental implants are a safe and reliable way to replace missing teeth. Furthermore, they are permanently anchored into the jawbone, which makes them long-lasting. Additionally, they help preserve facial structure by replacing missing teeth in the front of your mouth.
Dental implants are not solely used for oral cancer patients. They are also beneficial to people with dentures, or anyone who has lost their natural teeth due to age or accidents.
If you have had the unfortunate experience of being diagnosed with oral cancer, you have likely been told that you’ll need dental implants to replace your missing teeth. However, this can be a difficult process for many people, but it’s necessary in order to rebuild your life following your diagnosis.
With minimal damage to his existing bone structure, and in just a few hours, Royal Dental Clinics team was able to restore his missing teeth with dental implants in one day. It is always an endeavour with Royal Implant to provide the best possible treatment in the least amount of time with our state of the art equipment’s and qualified team of expert doctors. Furthermore, Cancer affected jaw treatment later completed with teeth restoration to get the smile you have been waiting for.
The benefits of Dental Implants include:
Safe and reliable option – Permanent Tooth replacement
Preserves facial structures – Avoiding the need for reconstruction surgery
Ideal for older adults – Restore chewing ability
Benefits of fixed teeth with Dental Implants in oral cancer
Oral cancer is one of the most feared cancers because it can destroy your face. Oral cancer treatments often involve removing parts of your mouth, tongue, and jaw. After that, a permanent open wound in your mouth which makes it hard to eat.
Furthermore, dental implants are the best option for people who have had oral cancer treatments or surgeries. They are metal posts that work as artificial teeth roots to hold dentures or false teeth in place.
Fixed teeth with dental implants offer many benefits for people who have had oral cancer treatment side effects:
1) Dental Implants Provide Stability
Firstly, dental implants provide stability for your dentures or false teeth so they don’t slip out of place. This stability is essential after an invasive surgery where part of your jaw has been removed.
2) Dental Implants Help Prevent Bone Loss
Secondly, bone loss is a common side effect of oral cancer treatment side effects that can lead to swallowing difficulties, difficulty speaking, and difficulty eating. Fixed teeth with dental implants help promote bone growth by providing an anchor point for dentures or false teeth to stay in place. This prevents bone loss and allows the bones to heal after the surgery.
3) Dental Implants Promote Healthy Lifestyle
Thirdly, the process of digestion starts with mouth. Chewing the food along with saliva start the digestion. It is easier on the stomach and intestine to absorb the nutrition now. Above all, restoring the teeth with dental implants is an excellent way to ensure healthier lifestyle.
Conclusion to Oral Cancer
This article discusses the benefits of fixed teeth with dental implants in oral cancers, and how it can restore your smile to its original state. Therefore, it is important to take care of your oral health to avoid oral cancer, which can lead to tooth loss. Dental implants are the best treatment option for your smile. In conclusion, A sinus lift is another surgical option that works similarly to a composite graft by using some of the patient’s own tissue to create new bone in their mouth. This process done without general anesthesia if necessary.
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