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What is the dental bridge cost vs implant?

Dental Implant in Mumbai

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, most people want a natural-looking solution that will last for years. However, the cost is often a major deciding factor when choosing between the two main options: dental bridges and implants. Both can be affordable and are effective solutions to replace missing teeth, but they have different pros and cons. Tooth loss can have serious effects on your oral health and your confidence. It affects speech, chewing, appearance, and your ability to speak clearly. If you’re struggling with tooth decay or gingivitis that has led to tooth loss, you might wonder if dental implants or dental bridges are best for you. Both of these restorative options can restore your smile so that you feel confident again!

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a replacement for one or more missing teeth. It can be used to restore a single tooth or multiple teeth. A bridge is held in place on either side of the missing tooth or teeth by healthy teeth. The other teeth are prepared and fitted with special attachment devices called pontics. Each pontic is cemented to the surrounding teeth. The bridge is then held in place by an artificial crown that is permanently cemented on the prepared teeth. The purpose of a dental bridge is to fill in the gap in your smile caused by missing teeth.

dental implants vs bridge

Bridges are used when all teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth are healthy enough for a bridge to be attached. If the teeth on either side of the missing tooth are decayed or broken down too much, a dental implant may be a better option. Bridges are typically made of porcelain-coated metal, gold, or a combination of both materials. They are strong and long-lasting, but they don’t feel as natural as an implant.

What is a dental implant?

An implant is a small metal post that is surgically placed in the bone surrounding the gap where teeth are missing. An implant acts as the root-like structure where a tooth would normally grow, and is used to anchor replacement teeth to the jawbone (called a dental crown). Implant-supported dentures can also be used to replace missing teeth. In this case, the implant serves as an anchor point for a replacement tooth that is held in place by a special retainer.

dental implant types

Implants are a great option for people in all stages of life who are missing teeth. Beyond the cosmetic appeal of a healthy, natural smile, restoring your oral health is also important for overall health. When you lose teeth, your remaining teeth shift and change positions, which can cause gum disease. Implant-supported replacement teeth can be used to replace a single missing tooth or multiple teeth.

Pros of a dental bridge

Affordable – Dental bridges are less expensive than implants, making them the more affordable option for people who need restorative work. However, the amount you’ll end up spending on a dental bridge depends on the type of bridge you receive and what other dental work you may need at the same time.

Less invasive – While both dental bridges and implants require surgery, implants require more invasive procedures and can take longer to complete than a dental bridge. A dental bridge can usually be completed in one visit, while implant surgery can take several months to heal.

Longer lifespan – On average, dental bridges last longer than implants. While dental implants can last decades if properly maintained, they are not as durable as dental bridges.

Cons of a dental bridge

More visible: Because dental bridges are anchored to surrounding teeth, they are visible when you smile. While implant-supported teeth can also be visible, they are usually less obvious thanks to their natural-looking roots.

Less natural feel: Bridges are made of metal and porcelain-coated metal, so they don’t feel as natural as implant-supported replacement teeth.

braces vs dental implants

Pros of a dental implant

Natural-looking: Implants are used to anchor replacement teeth that feel natural. They are placed in the jawbone so that the roots are secure. This is similar to how natural teeth are anchored in the jawbone.

Durable: Implant-supported teeth are more durable than dental bridges. They are less likely to break and can last a lifetime.

More conservative: Implants can be placed with a single surgical procedure. This is typically less invasive than the multiple procedures needed to complete a dental bridge.

Cons of an dental implant

More costly – It may be more costly to get dental implants compared to dental bridges – again, depending on the specific situation of each individual.

More invasive – Compared to a dental bridge, dental implants are more invasive procedures. This means that they typically take longer to complete, require more anesthesia, and leave the surrounding teeth more susceptible to damage.

Longer healing – Because implants are more invasive, they take a bit longer to heal and require more maintenance. You’ll likely need to see your dentist more often during the healing process, which will increase your costs.

Cost Difference Between a Dental Bridge and Implants

The cost of a dental bridge varies greatly based on the number and type of teeth used, the type of materials used for crowns. Dental implants are expensive since they require surgical placement of an artificial tooth root and a long healing process. However, the cost difference between the two treatments doesn’t have to be significant. The cost of dental bridges can vary greatly, especially if the dentist recommends a more complex treatment. A basic bridge can cost as little as $350 per crown, while a more complex treatment full mouth can cost upwards of $10,000.

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Similarly, the cost of dental implants varies. A basic implant can cost between $300 and $1000, while a more complex treatment full-mouth can cost upwards of $15,000. Depending on the complexity of your specific situation, the difference between the cost of dental bridges vs. dental implants can be significant, but it doesn’t have to be dramatic. Speak with a dentist to get an accurate estimate of the cost of dental bridges vs. dental implants based on the specifics of your situation and oral health.

The Differences Between Dental Bridges and Implants

Dental bridges and dental implants are both used to replace missing teeth. While dental bridges are attached to the teeth on both sides of the gap, dental implants are placed into the jawbone below the gap where teeth are missing. Because of these differences, dental bridges are less invasive than dental implants and are typically completed in one visit. On the other hand, dental implants require a surgical procedure that takes longer to complete and requires more recovery time.


Overall, dental bridges and dental implants are both great options for replacing missing teeth. The choice between them largely comes down to cost and personal preference. Dental bridges are less expensive, but they may not last as long as dental implants. On the other hand, dental implants are more expensive and take longer to complete, but they have a higher chance of providing a lifetime of dental restoration. Ultimately, you can’t go wrong with either option as long as you choose a provider who has the right experience and training to help you make the best decision for your situation !”

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