braces and carcinogenic

Braces are a relatively common way for teens to correct crooked teeth and other dental problems. However, some people believe braces could actually be the new cause of cancer. For example, some have suggested that the chemicals used in braces can build up on teeth and cause cancer. Others argue that the tightness of braces on your jaw might restrict breathing. Or it may even force you to breathe through your mouth, increasing your risk of developing oral cancer. The truth is that there is no evidence linking wires and brackets with either carcinogenic properties or increased risk. That being said, if you’re concerned about the risks associated with braces and how they may affect you, discuss with your dentist!

What are the concerns in Braces and Cancer?

There are two main concerns: carcinogenic properties of materials used in braces and increased risk of cancer due to its effect. The first potential cancer concern is related to the materials used in the construction of the braces themselves. Many of the common materials used in braces, including nickel and chromium, are carcinogenic.

Braces and wires

However, as with all things, the dose makes the poison. The amount of elements that your teeth are exposed to extremely low, so there is no potential for them. In fact, even if they were there in higher concentrations, they would be removed from your mouth within a couple of weeks due to saliva. The second potential concern is related to the effects of braces on jaw, especially if you wear them for long time. The third is that the tightness on your jaw might restrict breathing or force you to breathe through your mouth.

Are braces materials Carcinogenic?

No. Most of the materials used are not-carcinogenic. Common braces materials, such as nickel, chromium and cobalt, are used in many other devices and are not carcinogenic. Mercury is the only potentially carcinogenic material used in braces. Although the amount of mercury released is so small that it would not be expected to cause harm. Wires and brackets materials do not cause cancer and are not carcinogenic. However, it is important to note that braces are worn for a few years, and there is some risk of developing.

Can its tightness cause oral Cancer?

The concern that tightness of wires on your jaw might restrict breathing or increase your risk of developing oral cancer is unfounded. First and foremost, the risk of developing oral cancer from breathing through your mouth is very low. The major risk factor for oral cancer is tobacco use, which is not related to the tightness of your wires. In fact, if anything, nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, would increase your blood flow to your mouth, and its risk of oral cancer. Furthermore, even if you did breathe through your mouth because of tightness of your braces, this would not oral cancer. Oral cancer is not caused by bacteria or viruses coming in or out of your mouth.

gum disease causing cancer
Gum Cancer

Braces material vapour can cause Cancer?

The concern that brace material vapor released into the air will be inhaled by others and cause cancer is unfounded. Brace material vapor is not expected to reach levels that would be carcinogenic. Also, most vapor would be exhaled back out into the air before being inhaled by others. Even if some of the vapor did travel into the air and be breathed in, it would not cause cancer. Brace material vapor is not expected to reach levels that would be carcinogenic.

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