Zygomatic implants are used to replace missing teeth for weak bone in the upper jaw. They are most often used in conjunction with dental implant for a more stable, natural-looking result. However, there are some factors that can make zygomatic implants unnecessary or not recommended. When to place dental implant without bone?
With the help of your dentist, you can determine whether or not this procedure is right for you. Here are some tips on when zygomatic implants might be appropriate and what to do if they’re not.
What are zygomatic implants?
They are used to replace missing bone for weak bone in upper jaw. They are most often used in conjunction with dental implants for a more stable, natural-looking result. Zygomatic screws are longer than the regular dental implants and take anchorage from the bone above the upper jaw.
When might I need zygomatic implants?
If you are missing the upper jaw bone, then your dentist may recommend zygomatic implants. This is because they can help to stabilise the area and provide a natural-looking result. These are typically used in conjunction with traditional implants for this purpose. However, if not interested in dental implants, then your dentist may recommend another form of rehabilitation instead.
The other alternatives to zygomatic implants are bone grafting procedures such as sinus lift surgeries and tilted implants. The long-term success rate of sinus life bone grafted implants vs zygomatic is 74% vs 95%.
Zygomatic Implant over Titled
Therefore, zygomatic turns out to be more suitable and predictable. Tilted implant technique can used in cases when there is weak bone in the back side of the upper jaw but good height of the bone in the front. Four to eight tilted implants placed in the upper jaw, upon which the upper fixed teeth fitted. You should discuss the possibility and the longevity of zygomatic implants, bone grafting and tilted implants with your dentist before making a decision.
Sometimes people who have lost some of their bone structure due to an injury or disease will need zygomatic implants. If there is too much damage done to the bone structure, it may be difficult for zygomatic implants to rebuild enough surface area. A lack of bone structure can also make it difficult for oral surgeons to place dental implants in that area. In these cases, your dentist might still be able to place dental implants in other areas of the mouth while using other methods for rebuilding what has been lost.
How much do zygomatic implants cost?
The cost of implants will vary depending on the procedure, your medical condition, and the restoration over the implants. The average cost for this type of surgery is approximately sixteen times lower when compared with the western part of the world. The average price range can be upwards of $8000.
How does a dentist decide if I should get zygomatic implants?
Before considering zygomatic implants, your dentist will assess your mouth and determine if you have enough bone to support the implant. Some factors that might make it impossible to place a zygomatic implant are:
– The upper jaw is too short
– Bone grafting would be necessary
– The upper jaw crooked or drastically asymmetrical
– There’s not enough room for implants on the sides of the mouth
Your dentist will also determine whether you’re a candidate for zygomatic implants based on your bone density. If it’s been determined that you need a dental implant but don’t have enough bone density to support one, zygomatic implants can help. This will allow the implant placed in a better position without risking fractures.
If I’m not a good candidate for implants, what can I do to replace missing teeth in the upper jaw?
If you’re not a good candidate for zygomatic implants, there are other ways to replace missing bone in the upper jaw. These include dental implants, bone grafts, and sinus lifts. Dental implants are devices that placed in your mouth to serve as anchors for teeth. This option can be both time-consuming and expensive depending on the type of implant used, but it’s one of the most natural-looking options available.
A bone graft is also a great option for replacing missing bone in the upper jaw. A doctor will take some of the donor tissue from another part of your body and place it where needed in your mouth. It takes about 6 months for this graft to heal into place before any additional surgery can take place, so this is an important consideration when deciding which procedure is best for you.
A sinus lift is another surgical option that works similarly to a composite graft by using some of the patient’s own tissue to create new bone in their mouth. This process done without general anesthesia if necessary.
Conclusion to Implant without or on weak bone
If you are missing bone in your upper jaw, your dentist may recommend that you get zygomatic implants. Zygomatic implants are implants that replace missing bone. A zygomatic implant often made out of metal or plastic. There are some risks associated with zygomatic implants, but they are usually low. The cost for zygomatic implants is around $8,000-$12,000.
Zygomatic implants often recommended for people who have a genetic condition or have experienced trauma to the upper jaw. If you are not a good candidate for zygomatic implants, there are other treatments that can replace missing bone in your upper jaw.
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