Most health insurance plans now have a dental component, meaning dental care is covered as part of your health plan. But what you get and what you pay for that coverage depends on the type of plan you have. In general, there are three types of dental plans: stand-alone dental plans, dentist-only plans, and hybrid plans that combine medical and dental benefits in one policy. The main differences between them involve how much you pay out-of-pocket and whether services such as orthodontics or oral surgery are covered under separate insurance policies or are included with the primary plan. If you’re shopping for health insurance or considering switching to a new provider, it’s worth becoming familiar with the various types of dental coverage.
Stand-alone dental plans
If you’re looking for just dental coverage, you can purchase a stand-alone dental plan. It’s essentially the same as a health plan, except that it covers just dental services. Stand-alone dental insurance has the same coverage options as dental-only plans, with a few differences. First, you usually have more flexibility in terms of dental coverage. Many stand-alone dental plans offer a choice of coverage amounts, such as $25,000 or $50,000 per year. Stand-alone dental plans also often allow you to choose your own dentist, whereas a dental-only plan may limit you to using dentists in a particular network.
Dental-only plans
If you’re looking for just dental coverage, a dental-only plan is your best option. A dental-only plan covers just dental services, so there’s no need to worry about getting care from a doctor who doesn’t specialize in oral health. The plan’s administrative and policy documents will indicate that it’s dental-only. Dental-only plans are different from hybrid plans in that they have no medical component. Therefore, you cannot use a dental-only plan to see a medical specialist, such as an orthodontist who treats misaligned teeth or a periodontist who treats gum disease. Dental-only plans have the same coverage options as stand-alone dental insurance, but they’ll typically have lower premiums.
Hybrid dental-medical plans
These plans are the most common type of health plans that include dental coverage. Hybrid plans can be either medical or dental-medical plans. Medical plans cover both medical care, such as doctor visits, and dental services, such as cleanings and fillings. Dental-medical plans cover only dental care, not medical. When shopping for a hybrid plan, keep an eye out for the terms “medical” and “dental-medical.” A dental-only hybrid plan is just like a dental-only plan, with no medical component.
A dental-only hybrid plan, however, combines a dental-only plan with a health plan. The dental and medical portions of the plan are administered separately, but the premium is one combined amount. A dental-only hybrid plan allows you to choose either a medical or a dental-only plan.
Medical and dental combo plans
Hybrid medical and dental plans combine both medical and dental benefits in one policy. As such, the dental plan might offer more in-network dental providers, compared to a dental-only plan. The dental portion of a medical and dental plan might also cover more than a dental-only plan. If you choose a medical and dental combo plan, check that the medical portion of the plan offers the degree of coverage you want. You may want to start by comparing medical and dental combo plans, then select the one with the coverage and cost that best suits your needs.
Tips for Finding the Right Dental Care plan
If you’re shopping for a new health insurance plan, you’ll start your search by looking at dental plans. But the real work comes next, as you start comparing plans to find the one that’s right for you. Here are some tips to help you along the way: – Know what your needs are: Start by taking an honest look at your oral health needs. Do you have any special dental needs, such as orthodontic work or root canal therapy? Are you especially concerned about gum disease or other dental infections?
These factors can help you narrow the field of available dental plans.
Consider what you can afford: The federal government mandates that health insurance plans cover 10 essential dental services. You’ll likely find that many dental plans cover these 10 basic services and more, but every plan comes with a price tag. You can’t predict how health insurance costs will change in the future, so it’s important to consider what you can afford today.
Compare dental plans: Once you’ve narrowed the field of dental plans, it’s time to compare them. Start by looking at the information each plan provides, such as the coverage amount and the amount you’ll have to pay out-of-pocket. Then, talk to a health insurance broker. A good broker can help you understand the pros and cons of each dental plan, including which ones are best suited to your needs.
Summing up Dental Care
Dental plans help cover the cost of routine dental care, from cleanings to root canals. The type of dental plan you choose depends on your budget and your medical and dental coverage needs: Stand-alone dental plans cover just dental services and come in two types: Dental-only plans cover just dental services and have the same coverage options as stand-alone dental plans plus lower premiums Hybrid dental-medical plans combine a dental-only plan with a health plan and have the same dental coverage options as dental-only plans plus more coverage for the medical portion of the plan.
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