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Cost for Dental Bridges restoration procedure

dental bridges

When you have lost some or all of your natural teeth, it can leave you feeling self-conscious and unhappy. These feelings will only be compounded if the gaps in your smile are visible when you speak or smile. The good news is that there are a number of affordable dental procedures at Dentist in Mumbai and solutions available to correct this problem and give you that confident smile once again. SAPTeeth dental bridges are an effective way to correct the appearance of your smile when one or more teeth have been lost.

Tooth Restoration – Royal Dental Clinics

A bridge usually involves two crowns on either side of the gap with a small artificial tooth fitted between them. The process is time-consuming and significantly more costly than other methods such as dentures or dental implants. But the benefits far outweigh the cost. Here we explore the costs involved in a tooth bridge procedure and bridge restoration procedure

What are Dental Bridges?

They are a cosmetic dental restoration procedure that replaces missing teeth with artificial ones. These false teeth span the space between existing teeth to retain the aesthetics of the smile and preserve the natural shape and line of the teeth. A bridge spans the gap between two teeth to replace one or more missing teeth.


There are two types of tooth bridges: A conventional bridge is made using two adjacent teeth as anchor points. The artificial teeth are connected to the anchor teeth with a metal framework that is cemented onto the teeth. A cantilever bridge is similar to a conventional bridge, but the artificial teeth are not connected to the anchor teeth. Like a conventional bridge, a cantilever bridge uses two adjacent teeth as anchor points.

Why are Bridges so costly?

The price of a dental bridge, like most other cosmetic procedures, is largely determined by the materials used and the location in which it is carried out. A tooth bridge usually involves two crowns on either side of the gap with a small artificial tooth fitted between them. This is what makes it more costly than other procedures that involve dentures, such as partial dentures and full dentures. Due to the materials and the expertise required to work with them, a dental bridge can often cost more than $1,000. There are many factors that determine the price of a dental bridge, including the state of your teeth, the materials used, the dentist’s experience and location.

Procedure for a SAPTeeth Dental Bridge

Before your dentist can begin the procedure for a bridged tooth. There are a few things that need to be done. First, your dentist will need to examine your teeth and gums, X-ray your teeth, and assess the health of your gums. In most cases, the dentist will also take impressions of your teeth so that the crowns can be custom made for each individual tooth. The next step is to select the appropriate materials for your bridge. The dentist will select SAPTeeth based on their aesthetics and durability.

sapteeth vs ppm bridge

The dentist will then begin placing the SAPTeeth bridge by first preparing the areas that will be receiving the crowns with a special cement that ensures that the crowns will be securely attached to your teeth. The procedure for a bridged tooth can take anywhere between two and three appointments, depending on the complexity of your case.

Is a Root Canal needed before a Bridge?

A root canal is the most common procedure that is performed before a fixed bridge can be placed. The purpose of this procedure is to clean the pulp of infection and inflammation. Without this clean out, a bridge could not be fixed on the tooth. Most dentists recommend getting a root canal procedure done before the bridge is placed. However, there are also some dentists who will place the bridge without performing a root canal. As such, you should ask your dentist about their specific policy before deciding on a procedure.


A dental bridge is a procedure that is used to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. A dental bridge involves the placement of artificial teeth that span the gap between two teeth. However, the high cost of a dental bridge often prevents patients from getting the procedure done. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the cost of a dental bridge. Booking your dental bridge procedure at least six months in advance can help you save up to 50% on the procedure cost.

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  1. very good royal dental clinic

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