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Is It Permissible in Islam to Implant Artificial Teeth?

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artificial teeth implantation

Missing teeth can be a concern for many, impacting not only aesthetics but also oral health and self-esteem. Fortunately, advancements in dentistry offer solutions like artificial teeth implants. But for Muslims, a crucial question arises: Is it permissible in Islam to undergo such a procedure?

what is an Artificial Teeth implant?

An artificial tooth implant is a medical device used to replace the root of a missing tooth. It’s a small, screw-like post, typically made of titanium, that’s surgically inserted into your jawbone. This post acts as an anchor for an artificial tooth, called a crown. The crown is custom-made to resemble your natural teeth in size, shape, and color.

If you’re considering dental implants, it’s important to consult with a dentist or oral surgeon to discuss if they’re the right option for you. They will assess your jawbone health, remaining teeth, and overall oral health to determine suitability.

Is artificial teeth implantation permissible in Islam?

Before we delve into the various aspects of artificial teeth implantation. It is important to note that the Islamic ruling on this matter is controversial, to say the least. In fact, different Islamic jurists have different views regarding the permissibility of this procedure. The Qur’an and Prophetic Sunnah have not specifically addressed the issue of artificial teeth implantation; Therefore, Islamic jurists have interpreted the ruling based on analogical reasoning and medical information.

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artificial teeth on cast

The most common objection raised by those who oppose teeth implantation is that it is a man-made procedure that has no precedent in traditional Islamic medicine. Another objection raised by a few scholars is that the surgical procedure is invasive and involves extracting health. Living dental tissue from the patient’s jaw. However, the prevailing opinion among Islamic jurists is that artificial teeth implantation is generally permissible. This ruling is based on the following two grounds. First, the doctor recommends a surgical procedure under specific circumstances; second, the type of artificial teeth used in the procedure.

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teeth implant

Reasons for performing an artificial teeth implant

There are several reasons that might necessitate the performance of artificial teeth implantation. The most common reason is the loss of teeth due to an injury or tooth decay. The second most common situation is the congenital absence of teeth. A dentist may recommend artificial teeth implantation in other situations, such as when a patient’s dental bridge has broken or a partial denture has failed.

Islamic ruling regarding artificial teeth implantation.

Islamic jurists generally agree that one may implant artificial teeth in the situations described above. There are also specific conditions and requirements that one must meet before an Islamic scholar would issue a fatwa in favor of the surgical procedure.

  1. Replacing what is lost: Unlike cosmetic surgery for purely aesthetic reasons, implants replace missing or damaged teeth. This is seen as restoring what was naturally there and improving functionality.
  2. Following the Prophet’s (ﷺ) example: There is a narration about the Prophet (ﷺ) permitting the use of a prosthetic nose made of silver or gold. This principle extends to other body parts, including teeth, as long as the material used is permissible.
  3. Improved health and well-being: Missing teeth can cause difficulty eating, and speaking, and impact self-confidence. Implants can address these issues, promoting overall well-being, which is encouraged in Islam.
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There are a few scholars who have argued that teeth implantation is prohibited because it contradicts the normal process of teeth formation. Islamic jurists who have issued a fatwa in favor of artificial teeth implantation have refuted these claims by arguing that the surgical procedure is recommended only when the natural process has failed. In other words, when teeth have been lost due to an accident, congenital absence, etc. The recommended surgical procedure is simply a way to replace the loss or compensate for the damage.


Artificial teeth implants can be a viable option for Muslims seeking to restore their smiles and oral health. This procedure has been a topic of debate among Islamic jurists for quite some time; however, the majority of scholars have agreed that it is permissible. The specific circumstances in which the procedure is recommended and the type of artificial teeth used in the operation determine this ruling. First, the doctor recommends a surgical procedure under specific circumstances; second, the type of artificial teeth the doctor uses in the procedure.

By understanding the Islamic perspective and seeking guidance from a qualified scholar, you can make an informed decision that aligns with both your religious beliefs and your well-being.

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