Full Mouth Rehabilitation Case Study

Full mouth rehabilitation is the reconstruction and restoration of the worn-out teeth which helps in maintaining overall hygiene of oral mucosa, tongue, gingiva and lips. In a full mouth rehabilitation one should re-establish functional and biological efficiency state where teeth , periodontal structures , muscles of mastication and mechanisms of TMJ all function together in […]

Why replace an Extracted Tooth!

An extracted tooth needs to be replaced immediately and it is of utmost importance that a consultation with a doctor is fixed to understand the importance. One should replace the missing tooth or teeth, as the opposing tooth would migrate to the space created causing supra-eruption. Also the adjacent teeth will show inclination towards the […]

Factors for success of dental implants | Dr Chirag Chamria

Dental implants treatment is artificial root made of titanium or its alloys or ceramic or Peek or modified resins etc. They give support to the crown (cap) portion of the teeth. The crown is used for chewing. All factors are neither in control of the dental implantologist nor the patient. Experience shows very good success […]

Missing Teeth: Know your Options!

Missing teeth can be a tragic thing for anyone. If you are someone that is missing a tooth or some teeth you may be all too aware of the importance of dental health and your looks. Teeth are not just important for an attractive smile and good looks. If you are missing teeth there are […]

What are the benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made up of Titanium and its alloys for replacing the missing tooth or multiple teeth. They serve as the root for missing teeth and the dental implant placement process is not much complex. For attaching implants it is necessary that there is enough bone in the missing teeth area. […]

We have the Solution for the Smile you have been Hiding!

If for some reason you have lost a tooth, it is normal to feel embarrassed to a certain extent, especially when you smile. The good thing is that there is a solution that can put an end to your embarrassment! That is called an “implant.” I will explain it here. There are many reasons why […]

Smile and Teeth fixing in one day is now possible

Your smile and your pearly white teeth are a huge reflection of your personality, most especially disfigured, damaged or chipped teeth which can all be easily fixed in one day itself! Yes, you read it right – teeth fixing is all possible in one day with this transformational procedure called ‘Teeth in One Day’ which […]