
Case Study: Before vs After Dental Implant

Missing Tooth Treatment

missing front tooth

Implant Treatment

Dental Implant Tooth

Implant Full Mouth

Full Mouth Smile

Same day dental implant for missing front teeth: This procedure corrects not just the missing teeth but also restores your confidence and look. Success of dental implant lies in the decision of choosing the right size and width of dental implant for longterm. The size of a dental implant used at Royal Dental Clinics is determined primarily by the existing bone volume in height, width, and length.

A surgeon would select longer implants in the anterior regions of the mouth and shorter ones in the posterior areas. Full mouth dental implants have shown great success in the past in rehabilitating missing teeth and restoring chewing functionality.

Implants for Moving Teeth

bleeding gum mobility

Implant for Tooth Mobility

tooth mobility

Moving Multiple Teeth

Tooth Mobility

Fixed teeth with Implants in One Sitting: Same day dental implant at Royal Dental Clinics involves implant surgery wherein doctors replace missing teeth by putting in implants in your jaw. The implants basically take the place of your missing root and give a solid base upon which the natural-looking SAPTeeth can be placed. These are permanent teeth which are placed immediately after you receive implants.

NOTE: At times a framework may be required so as to give a strong base to the supporting crown or bridge. These frameworks can be made of high-performance peek material with HIPC crowns. This helps to create a shock-absorbing framework reduces the load on bone and gives better results.

Zygomatic Dental Implant

mobile tooth

Implant in less Bone

Implant in less Bone

Weak or Less Bone

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Zygomatic Dental Implants with Fixed Teeth: Bone resorption along with lower bone quality often makes it impossible to place dental implants in the posterior maxilla. Zygoma implants are then advised and anchored into the zygomatic bone rather than the maxilla. Zygomatic implants are planned for the upper jaw in complex situations such as poor quality of bone, bone resorption, decreased height of bone over time, or presence of air spaces or sinus.

Most such cases at Royal Dental Clinics can be done under local anesthesia on the same day. The quality of life improves a lot after the treatment as patients no longer have top deal with dentures or ‘no bone no teeth’.

Dental Implant

missing tooth

Missing Teeth

Missing Tooth

Fixed Teeth

Few Missing Teeth

Few Missing teeth with fixing with SAPTeeth: Few of such cases can be done with a pinhole technique under local anaesthesia on the same day itself. Same day dental implant is an implant surgery which doctors use to replace missing or chipped teeth by putting in implants in your jaw. The implants basically take the place of your damaged teeth roots and give a solid base upon which the natural looking tooth can be placed.

Single missing tooth can be replaced with dental implant and fixed teeth in one day at Royal Dental Clinics.