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What’s your dental tip on flossing?

dental flossing oral hygiene

As you probably know, flossing is one of the most important dental habits you can develop to keep your pearly whites healthy. The ADA recommends that you floss every day to prevent plaque from building up between your teeth. This tender flesh is almost impossible to reach through brushing alone, which means that regular flossing is necessary for reducing your risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Luckily, it’t not as hard as it seems. Flossing doesn’t have to be a chore; rather, you can use it to relax and unwind after a long day at work or school. Consider these five tips on how to floss like a pro!

Know types of flossing to use?

There are two types of floss – waxed and unwaxed. When it comes to efficacy, there is no difference between the two; however, unwaxed floss tends to be gentler on the gums. If you have sensitive teeth or gums, then unwaxed floss is a better choice for you. But, most people will be just fine with regular waxed floss. If you have braces or there are issues with your teeth’s positioning, you may need to choose a different type of floss.

dental fact floss

Hold to hold it correctly?

The number one mistake that people make when they floss is that they wrap it around their fingers too many times. Flossing is a two-handed activity. With one hand, you should hold the floss while the other hand guides it in between your teeth. Your fingers should hold the floss close to the end that is tied in a knot. Then, with a gentle but firm touch, move the floss back and forth between your teeth.

Rotate your flossing finger | Dental Tip

Most people floss with their non-dominant hand. This means that most flossing is done with the right hand. However, if you want to make sure you floss every part of your mouth, you should rotate which hand you use to floss. Use your dominant hand to floss one side of your mouth and then the other side with your non-dominant hand. This ensures that you don’t miss any spots.

dental flossing

Don’t forget your back teeth!

The front of your mouth is most likely what you are thinking about when you think about flossing. However, the back teeth are just as important when it comes to your health. To reach your back teeth, you have to bend the floss over your fingers. Then, you can use it to clean your molars. Most people forget to clean their molars, which can put them at risk of having gum disease or even losing their teeth.

Conclusion to Dental Flossing

Finally, remember that flossing is a crucial part of your health. There is no such thing as too much flossing. If you want to keep your teeth healthy and strong for a lifetime, you need to floss daily. With the right tools and techniques, flossing is quick and easy. All you have to do is remember these five tips and you’ll be on your way to healthier teeth and gums.

Holding the floss tautly between your thumbs and index fingers, slide it gently up-and-down between your teeth. Gently curve the floss around the base of each tooth, making sure you go beneath the gumline. Never snap or force the floss, as this may cut or bruise delicate gum tissue.

Happy healthy smile

Best Tips You’ll Ever Get on Dental Flossing

Now that you understand how to floss properly, you can enjoy the best tip you’ll ever get – a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Now that you know how to floss, you can say goodbye to the dentist once and for all.

How far down should my teeth be flossed?

There are two sides to each space between your teeth and you must floss each side separately so as not to injure the triangle of gum tissue between your teeth. Run the floss up and down the surface of the tooth, making sure you are going down to the gum line and then up to the highest contact point between the teeth.

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