General MedicinePatient ExperienceRoyal Dental Clinics

Relax on Dental chair in Conscious Sedation

Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation is a combination of medicines to help you relax (a sedative) and to block pain (an anesthetic) during a medical or dental procedure. Extensive waiting hours, people crammed in a common waiting room, long hours on the dental chair, multiple visits and lots of pain and anxiety. For a lot of people, dental treatments have been a dreaded and panic-inducing due to dentophobia or prior traumatic experiences. The true ability of a dental professional lies in comforting and resolving dental anxiety along with the dental concerns. Read on about conscious sedation in dentistry.

What is it when you imagine a Dental Appointment?

When imagining a dental appointment, many people may have feelings of anxiety, fear, or discomfort associated with past negative experiences or cultural stigma surrounding dental procedures. Common fears may include pain, gagging, or embarrassment about the appearance of their teeth. Some may also associate dental appointments with the sound of drills or other unpleasant sensations. These feelings and associations can discourage individuals from seeking necessary dental care, leading to further oral health problems.

reasons for dental procedures fear
Have you faced any of the above while visiting a Dental Clinic in Mumbai?

When you imagine a dental appointment, you may experience a range of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations depending on your past experiences and beliefs about dental care. Some common things that people may imagine or think about during a dental appointment include. Royal Dental Clinics is on a mission to transform this phobia by driving patients to look forward relaxing on a dental chair. The patient services at Royal Dental Clinics is designed to cater to your five senses in order to meet your expectations.

Addressing your Dental fear in Dentistry

Dental procedures can induce fear, anxiety, and apprehension. It is not uncommon for patients to delay and ignore treatment thanks to crippling phobia. Whereas, if you are not wanting to consult a dentist; you might want to inquire about sleep dentistry. This approach to dental treatment uses specialized medication for relaxation during procedures.

dental appointment without fear
Young female Relaxing On A Dental Chair With Conscious Sedation relaxing at a Dental Clinic in Mumbai while her tooth preparations are happening.

Anxiety or nervousness: Many people feel anxious or nervous before going to the dentist, especially if they have had negative experiences in the past.

Sounds and smells: You may imagine the sound of the dental drill, the sound of suction, and the smells associated with dental procedures.

Physical discomfort: You may imagine the physical sensations associated with dental procedures, such as pressure, poking, or pulling.

types of sedation anaesthesia sedation
Anaesthesia sedation dental anxiety

The dental chair: You may imagine sitting in the dental chair, looking up at the bright light, and feeling vulnerable.

Dentist and dental staff: You may imagine the dentist and dental staff wearing masks and gloves, asking you questions, and explaining the procedures they will be performing.

The procedure itself: Depending on the reason for your appointment, you may imagine the specific dental procedure that you will undergo, such as a cleaning, filling, or extraction.

Dental fear with conscious sedation may be common among different age groups of society. Along with fear anxiety and pain-related issues observed by the dentist for many years. To find a solution to these neurological factors, it is important that the team at dental clinic creates effective procedures. It is natural to feel nervous before a procedure, but have you ever considered easing your stress with sedation dentistry? Here’s why you should try it!

What is Conscious Sedation in Dentistry?

Conscious Sedation is a part of the dental treatment process which helps to establish a relaxed, easy and calm environment through the utilisation of sedative drugs. Whereas a Sedative drugs are administered through intravenous (IV) sedation – sedatives delivered via injection into the blood vessels of the hand or arm.

Today, however, sedation dentistry has evolved to be even more conducive to a soothing experience. Patients have alternatives to the normal modalities of inhalation (nitrous oxide or “laughing gas”) and IVs, like those offering a “no needle” (meaning, no injection) approach that a lot of people find more appealing.

Medication used in Sedation Dentistry procedure to alleviate the fear and anxiety of the patient.

Some people ask Sedation Dentistry as “Sleep Dentistry.” While it’s true that there are sedation dentistry procedures where the patient is unconscious, there also are methodologies wherein the patient is fully awake. General anesthesia used in “Sleep Dentistry” during the whole medical procedure.

Sleep Dentistry | Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation a technique in which the use of drugs and gases reduces a state of depression on the central nervous system (CNS) enabling treatment to be carried out. During which verbal contact with the patient is maintained throughout the time of sedation. It also retains the patient’s ability to take care of a patent airway independently and continuously. So YES! you can Relax On A Dental Chair With Conscious Sedation!

Hear a young female patient speak about her dental fear and how dental team managed to win her smile without conscious sedation.

Most commonly used procedures in Sleep Dentistry

Local Anesthesia: Numbing the specific area of the mouth with a local anaesthetic to block pain sensations during the procedure. Nitrous-oxide gas, Propofol, Ketamine, Ether, Dexmedetomidine and a few others.

Sedation Dentistry: Administering medications to relax or sedate the patient, reducing anxiety and discomfort during the procedure.

Laser Dentistry: Using laser technology instead of traditional dental tools to minimise discomfort during the procedure.

Conscious Sedation
Paediatric dentist doing Inhalation Sedation to a child while teeth treatment at dental clinic. Sedation Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide: inhaling a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen to induce a state of relaxation and reduce discomfort during the procedure.

Advanced Technology: using cutting-edge technology such as digital X-rays, computer-aided design, and 3D printing to minimize invasiveness and increase precision during the procedure.

Three stages of Conscious Sedation in Dentistry:

Minimal Conscious Sedation: Patient feels relaxed but fully conscious and responsive.

Moderate Conscious Sedation: Patient feels dizzy and may loose consciousness but remains responsive.

Deep Conscious Sedation: Patient falls asleep and is mostly unresponsive.

Few indications where Conscious Sedation can be helpful:

Dental Phobia and anxiety

Traumatic and long dental procedures

Medical conditions aggravated by stress like angina, asthma, epilepsy

missing tooth
Old senior man sitting in a dental chair thumb up during visit

Children more than one year of age

Mentally or physically challenged patients

Ineffective local anaesthesia due to any reason

Patient preparation:

  1. Consent for treatment: Valid informed written consent is necessary.
  2. Pre-sedation checkup: Patient detail history and examination done. A thoroughly detailed airway examination is important for pediatric patients.

Operating setup:

Firstly, Resuscitation apparatus and medicines should be ready if required

Secondly, To maintain a proper airway and adequate oxygen to the patient all the appropriate sized airway equipments and oxygen cylinders should be kept in the operating room where conscious sedation is performed.

Procedure: the steps may differ based on the procedure a patient may undergo.

The patient is formed to site on the dental chair or lie on the chair.

Best Rated Dental Visit Experience!

Patient will be induced the sedative by either of the delivery methods.

A waiting period of 15-20 minutes is kept till the time sedative acts.

The Dentist will monitor your breathing and vital sign .

Above all, once the sedative acts on the patient, your dentist will begin the procedure.

Reasons for conscious sedation in dentistry!

No pain or Anxiety:

Usually dental treatments painless after administration of local anesthesia, but patients with anxiety or fear of needles assured a pain-free experience with the help of conscious sedation.

Illusion of short treatment procedure:

Conscious sedations in mild doses can make a patient relaxed and sleepy but attentive to instructions. It tends to produce partial or full amnesia, whereas the patients forget everything about the treatment as they believe that they were asleep. Its also called as sleep dentistry.

Speedy recovery:

Conscious sedation acts fast and wears off faster in within half an hour, leading to speedy recovery from sedation.

Reduced dental visit:

One can avoid multiple visits to the dentist as when on sedation your dentist can complete your dental treatment quickly in one sitting. Eliminating the need for further appointments.

Minimizing gag reflex:

Gaging is a natural reaction that obstructs foreign substances to enter the airway. Hence, sedation helps minimize the gag reflex, so as to facilitate dental procedure un interrupted in patients with severe gag.


This technique is completely safe for dental treatment because it has minimal or no patient’s discomfort. The most safe is laughing gas gas breathing technique. this gas is also known as laughing gas because it gives a happy feeling to the patients after inhalation. All the sedation dentistry options mentioned also include using a local anesthetic to numb the area where the dentist is working and relieve pain. If you are struggling with dental fears, you can contact the dental office to ask about sedation options that can help you relax in the dentist’s chair during dental visit.

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