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Is oral cancer found regularly by dentists?

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When you hear the word “cancer,” your mind probably goes straight to lung or breast cancer. Those are known as the big three when it comes to cancer-related deaths, after all. But did you know that oral cancer isn’t so far down on the list? It comes in at number 7, when you think about how many people could be affected by this disease. Fortunately, if detected early enough, oral cancer is highly treatable. However, because most of us aren’t used to thinking about our mouths in terms of medical problems, we often don’t realize when something might be off. Here are some things you should know about oral cancer and why regular checkups with your dentist are important in keeping yourself healthy and happy.

What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a disease that starts in the tissues of the mouth and throat. There are two main types of oral cancers: Squamous cell carcinoma, which accounts for about 80% of oral cancers, and basal cell carcinoma (the other 20%). Typically, squamous cell carcinoma affects the base of the tongue or the floor of the mouth, while basal cell carcinoma affects the gums.

oral cancer CAJTeeth

Those who smoke, chew tobacco, and drink excessive amounts of alcohol have higher incidences of oral cancer. Other risk factors include HPV infection, sun damage, a weakened immune system, a history of radiation therapy, vitamin A deficiency, and certain genetic syndromes.

Risk factors

Poor Diet: Eating foods high in sugar and low in nutrients can leave you deficient in key vitamins and minerals that keep your immune system healthy and your risk of cancer low.

UV Light Exposure: When you spend too much time in the sun, you increase your risk for certain types of skin cancer as well as oral cancer. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunscreen, and/or other protective gear is essential when spending any amount of time outdoors.

Tobacco Use: Smoking and chewing tobacco can lead to all kinds of serious health problems, oral cancer included.

History of Radiation Therapy: People who have received radiation therapy have a higher risk of developing oral cancer.

Vitamin A Deficiency: Vitamin A is essential for overall health and a strong immune system, meaning a deficiency can leave you more susceptible to disease.

Certain Genetic Syndromes: Like many other types of cancer, some genetic disorders significantly increase the risk of oral cancer.

Symptoms of oral cancer

Increased Moisture or Redness in Mouth. A persistent feeling of dryness in your mouth is pretty common, especially as you age. However, if you notice that your saliva glands aren’t working as well and your mouth is consistently.

Changes in Your Gums: Red, swollen, or bleeding gums can be symptoms of periodontal (gum) disease. But it can also be a sign of oral cancer. Visit your dentist to know if it’s ulcer or cancer.

oral cancer rehabilitation CAJTeeth

Sores on Your Mouth: When you have a sore in your mouth, it’s important to pay attention to what caused it. A sore that doesn’t heal after a few days, or that comes back after it’s been treated, could be more than a nuisance.

Swollen Lymph Nodes in Your Neck. Swollen lymph nodes, especially in your neck, can be a sign of many different diseases. However, it’s important to get them checked out by your doctor just to be sure.

Tips for oral cancer prevention

The best way to prevent oral cancer is to keep your mouth healthy. The American Dental Association recommends practicing good oral hygiene, brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, flossing once a day, and getting regular dental check-ups.

It’s also important to avoid habits that can harm your teeth or increase your risk of gum disease, like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. If you are at risk for oral cancer due to lifestyle choices or genetics, you may want to consider taking a supplement that provides vitamin A.


Oral cancer is a serious and potentially fatal disease. Fortunately, it is highly preventable and treatable if detected early enough. It is therefore crucial to be aware of the risk factors and to get regular oral check-ups at the dentist. If you notice any unusual signs or symptoms in your mouth, don’t ignore them. Visit your dentist as soon as possible to get checked out. The sooner oral cancer is caught, the more likely it is that treatment will be successful.

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