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Can cosmetic dentistry fix receding gums?

cosmetic gum contouring

Receding gums are quite common in people. If you’ve recently noticed that your gums have begun to recede or shrink back, then you’re most likely experiencing the effects of periodontal disease. This condition is a type of bacterial infection that can cause your gums to recede and even completely disappear. Receding gums can be quite disturbing to look at, but fortunately, there are many ways to treat and prevent it from getting worse. The sooner you notice this condition, the easier it will be for your dentist to help you fix it. In this article, we will discuss how gum contouring in cosmetic dentistry can help.

Change your diet and oral hygiene habits!

First and foremost, you should try to make some changes to both your diet and your oral hygiene habits. When your gums start to recede, it can lead to bacteria building up inside your mouth. It’s recommended that you take extra care when brushing and flossing your teeth to avoid buildup.

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Dental technology

When it comes to your diet, you should reduce the amount of sugary foods you eat. Sugars can lead to increased plaque buildup, which can worsen your periodontal disease. When it comes to your drinking habits, you should make sure you don’t consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Research has shown that alcohol can worsen gum disease, which can lead to receding gums. Cosmetic dentistry including gum contouring solutions can help fix this!

Have your dentist clean your teeth and gums!

In some cases, your dentist will be able to clean your teeth and gums and completely remove the bacteria that is causing your gums to recede. If your dentist is able to do this, then it will most likely be the easiest way for you to fix receding gums. In other cases, your dentist may recommend antibiotic treatment to reduce the bacteria in your mouth.

This treatment may last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Thankfully, many cases of periodontal disease can be easily treated with antibiotics and/or a teeth cleaning. If your dentist is able to eradicate the bacteria in your mouth, then you can prevent your gums from getting worse and even prevent them from receding further.

How can cosmetic dentistry help? 

Gum contouring is a simple procedure in cosmetic dentistry that can help to deal with the issue of receding gums. This often involves using tissue from the roof of the mouth, taking a small graft and using it to cover the exposed part of the tooth. The existing gum is then pulled down over the graft.

cosmetic dentistry smile

What is gum contouring?

Gum contouring is a procedure, done by a dental specialist, that reshapes or resculpts your gumline. The process of gum contouring involves cutting away or removing excess gum tissue around your teeth. If you have gum recession, the procedure involves restoring gum tissue.

Try a dental sealant for receding gums

A dental sealant is a material that is applied to your molars and premolars to prevent your teeth from getting cavities. In some cases, a dental sealant may also be able to prevent your gums from receding. Sealants are most often used on children and teenagers, as their gums are more likely to recede than those of adults.

gummy smile
Receding Gums

Dental sealants are applied by your dentist, so you won’t be able to do this at home. However, if your dentist is able to apply a dental sealant to your teeth, then it may be able to prevent your gums from getting worse and even slow the receding process. If the sealant is properly applied, it can remain in place for several years. Once it needs to be replaced, your dentist will be able to remove it and apply a new sealant.

Get gum tissue grafting

If the bacteria in your mouth has become so advanced that it has caused your gums to recede, then you may want to consider gum tissue grafting. This is a procedure in which your dentist will take tissue from another part of your mouth, such as your tongue or the roof of your mouth, and add it to your gums in order to close any openings that have formed.

Oral health bad breath

Gum tissue grafting is a more advanced procedure compared to antibiotics and sealants. However, it can be very effective at both treating and preventing your gums from getting worse. Gum tissue grafting can be performed in a few different ways. However, the most common way is to use a flap technique. This is where your dentist will take a flap of soft tissue from the ro

Fixing receding gums through surgery

In some cases, antibiotics and other treatments simply aren’t enough to completely treat the bacteria in your mouth. In these cases, your dentist may recommend that you undergo surgery to remove any infected tissue from your gums. When surgery is necessary, your dentist will likely recommend either a gum excision or a gum graft.

The type of surgery that you receive will depend on the severity of your condition. Depending on how bad your periodontal disease is, gum surgery may be the only way to completely treat it. If the bacteria is so advanced that it has caused your gums to recede, then surgery may be the only option for fixing receding gums.


When your gums start to recede, it can be very alarming. However, it’s important to remember that there are many ways to fix this condition and prevent it from getting worse. If you’ve recently noticed that your gums have begun to recede, then you should make sure to take care of the problem as soon as possible. Once you treat your periodontal disease, you can easily prevent your gums from getting worse and completely stopping the receding process. However, if you don’t treat your periodontal disease, then your gums may completely disappear. Cosmetic contouring can help fix this.

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