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Cosmetic Treatment for Tooth Mobility

Cosmetic Teeth Moving tooth

Tooth mobility is the most common cosmetic treatment as age advances. If it is not treated at an early age, then the teeth may fall off. Periodontal disease affects the gums, surrounding tissues, and the bones that support the teeth. Untreated gum diseases can eventually cause loosening of teeth and tooth loss. Gums will separate from the teeth, forming pockets between the teeth and gums that become infected. With good attention to oral health, you can get the early symptoms of gum diseases before it causes loose tooth.

Treatment for Tooth Mobility

If the teeth are slightly mobile, according to the industrial experts; first step is to remove the causative factor. The most common causative factor is infection in the gums and/or abnormal direction of eating force. Getting regular cleaning of your teeth from professional dentist will prevent infection in the gums. The main function of teeth is grinding your food.

Prevent Teeth from falling due to ‘Tooth Mobility’:

Teeth act as grinding machine, thus the surfaces wear-off and become rough. The edges of teeth have to be reshaped to continue the efficient grinding. Sometimes in extreme cases of hard grinding substances like pan, supari and similar items or habit of grinding the teeth specially at night or hyperacidity; results in rough teeth surfaces. Once the teeth reshaped, the process of grinding and tooth efficiency restored.

What goes behind “Cosmetic Treatment for Tooth Mobility

If this process neglected, the result would be abnormal direction of eating forces resulting in tooth mobility. A six-monthly regular dental check-up, required to treat such symptoms for teeth mobility in advance. If you’re pregnant, your mouth affected by hormonal changes. Pregnancy gingivitis leads to inflammation of gums, and it’s important to consult with your dentist.

Treatment for Loose Teeth

Take care of the tumor or cyst. Treat the gum contagion by appropriate cleaning and curettage. Improvement of the reduced bone level by adding the bone grafts. The dentist fix the grade 2 or grade 3 mobility by splinting the loose tooth and limiting any movement.

What is the treatment for moving teeth?

The treatment of tooth moving involves a combination of treatment of the etiology usually by nonsurgical and surgical periodontal treatment, occlusal adjustment, and splinting. Although other causes of tooth mobility exist; however, this review was limited to tooth mobility due to periodontitis.

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Patient Testimonial for Tooth Mobility

If the teeth mobility, increased it has to treated by one or more of processes like splinting the teeth, reshaping the teeth, bone grafting, periodontal implants. The results are good and the life of teeth increased. As a last resort if teeth lost; the same must immediately replaced to prevent other teeth from becoming mobile. Mobility of teeth because of gaps between teeth also called pathological migration of teeth. 

No matter what causes your loose teeth, you’re bound to be concerned. Having loose teeth doesn’t mean you have to lose your teeth. As soon as you notice any sign of a tooth or tooth mobility, seek dental care immediately. Your dentist will help you find an effective treatment plan that can save your teeth!

Regular dental care can regularly ensure freedom from tooth mobility. 

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