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Why replace a Single Missing Tooth?

Single Missing Teeth

The missing tooth phenomenon is almost like a rite of passage in the world of adulting. Whether it’s a result of biting down on something hard, feeling your teeth with your tongue, or some other unfortunate circumstance; at some point in life, most people will find themselves with one less tooth than they’d like. A single missing tooth doesn’t have to be a permanent fixture, though! Fortunately, we live in an age of remarkable technology and there are several ways you can replace that pesky gap until your natural teeth grow back (which can take up to two years). Here are just a few reasons why you should consider replacing that single missing tooth!

You’ll restore the Balance of Your Smile

The gap caused by one missing tooth can throw the rest of your teeth out of balance. Preventing this misalignment is important because it helps you avoid the negative side effects of crooked teeth like TMJ (jaw) strain, headaches, and excessive wear and tear on your teeth. Having a misaligned smile can also make you less confident in social situations because you may feel self-conscious about the way you look.

If you have had a tooth removed because of an infection or other reasons, having a bridge placed can restore the balance of your smile. A bridge is a dental contraption that is made up of a crown on your remaining teeth connected by a “bridge” of false teeth on the gap. The crown will serve as the new abutment for the false teeth, restoring the balance of your smile.

Smile Can Boost Your Confidence

First of all, you should know that this is a permanent solution; one that can last for years on end with proper care and maintenance. You may be wondering how in the world a false tooth can boost your confidence. Well, it may sound a bit strange, but a single missing tooth can have a significant impact on your self-esteem.

single missing tooth

A missing tooth can certainly change the appearance of your smile. It can negatively impact the alignment of your teeth over time and cause a number of problems down the road if it isn’t replaced.

You may feel embarrassed by your smile or voice; you may be self-conscious about speaking up in public or putting yourself out there in any way. Replacing the gap with a false tooth can help you feel more confident in general. Many older people experience dry mouth as they age. Contributing factors include the use of certain medications, changes in the body’s ability to process medication, inadequate nutrition, and having long-term health problems. Cancer therapy. Chemotherapy drugs can change the nature of saliva and the amount produced.

Fixing a Broken Tooth Means No More Pain

If you’ve broken a tooth, it can be extremely painful; but what if the break is on a single tooth? That’s even worse! As you chew food, you’re putting pressure on the break; causing you immense pain. Depending on the severity of the break, you may be able to have the tooth fixed with a filling, but if the break is too severe you may need to have it extracted and replaced with a false tooth. Replacing the broken tooth with a false one can help alleviate the pain you’re feeling while simultaneously restoring your smile.

It is best to replace a single missing tooth to avoid further damage. Sometimes the value of your teeth isn’t realised until they are lost, and unfortunately, teeth do not last forever.

Protect Your Natural Teeth While They Grow Back

Natural teeth are delicate, and when they are growing back they are even more so. You should be careful not to put too much pressure on them as they are growing back. This can lead to problems such as an infection or an injury to the roots of your natural teeth causing them to grow back crooked. Unfortunately, people who are missing one tooth are more likely to experience this than people who have all their teeth.

This is because most people who have a single missing tooth set up a partial denture to fill the gap. Partials are artificial teeth that are held in place with a dental retainer. Unfortunately, partials can put a lot of pressure on your remaining teeth. Every aspect of your face is intertwined, so the loss of a tooth can cause your bone to deteriorate and muscles to droop over time. Replacing the missing tooth helps to keep the others in place, ensuring your mouth stays healthy (with good oral care!) and your face doesn’t change dramatically.


Replacing your missing tooth with an implant-retained denture or a fixed partial will protect your remaining teeth while they regrow. It will also help you avoid an infection that could lead to an infection that could lead to an abscess. You should be careful not to bite down on anything hard until your natural teeth have completely regrown. An implant-retained denture is a false tooth that is permanently attached to the jaw. It will feel more natural than a part because it won’t put pressure on your roots.

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