dentist checking teeth in kandivali

You might not think much of your tongue when you check in with your dentist, but it plays a role in your oral health and well-being. In fact, it’s one of the first places dentists notice potential problems. Checking the back of your mouth for redness and sores is a simple way for your dentist to catch any early signs of gum disease or other issues that might be brewing beneath the surface. The front of your tongue is particularly important to check because it can give insight into what’s going on in the rest of your mouth. Here are some reasons why dentist in Kandivali check the back and front of your tongue during every appointment!

Check for Signs of Tooth Decay

When your dentist checks the back of your tongue, they’ll look for any signs of tooth decay. There are two types of decay: surface decay and root decay. Surface decay occurs when bacteria eats away at the top layer of your teeth, destroying the minerals that hold your teeth together. When this happens, your teeth become susceptible to cracks, chips, and breaks.

Dental visit oral health

If left untreated, surface decay can spread to the root of the tooth, causing a more severe form of decay called root decay. This form of decay eats away at the tooth’s roots, making it impossible for the tooth to hold its normal shape. It can also make your teeth extremely fragile and susceptible to fractures. In some cases, it can even cause teeth to fall out completely.

If your dentist finds signs of tooth decay, they may recommend a dental restoration, like a filling or a crown, to protect your teeth from further decay.

Detect Oral bacteria and signs | Oral Health

When you visit your dentist, they’ll check the back of your tongue for signs of bacteria, including plaque and gingivitis. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film that forms on your teeth when bacteria feeds on food particles and other substances around your teeth. If left untreated, plaque can harden into tartar, a yellowish mineral that can only be removed by your dentist.

dental tartar plaque

Tartar can lead to gingivitis, which is an early form of gum disease. It’s estimated that plaque is responsible for 90% of gingivitis cases. If your dentist finds plaque and gingivitis on the back of your tongue, they’ll recommend an oral hygiene routine to reduce the risk of developing more serious oral health problems.

Check for signs of a tongue disease

The texture of your tongue can help your dentist identify potential signs of a tongue disease, like lichen planus, and other health conditions, like diabetes. Rough or scaly patches on the top of your tongue, for example, may indicate lichen planus, an autoimmune condition that can cause serious discomfort and a burning sensation in the mouth.

tongue and oral health

Dental hygienists often use a device called a tongue blade to scrape the top of your tongue, which can help your dentist identify any potential signs of a tongue disease. Your dentist in Kandivali may also check the colour, texture, and movement of your tongue to identify signs of a muscle or neurological condition, like Parkinson’s disease. When your tongue is stiff and shaped like a spoon, for example, it could be a sign that you have a neurological condition.

Confirm that your breath doesn’t smell good

Although it might feel a little awkward, checking the back of your tongue for bad breath could be a huge help for your dentist, who can’t smell what you’re breathing out. Bad breath, also called halitosis, can be caused by foods like red wine, garlic, and other types of foods and drinks that leave your breath smelling foul. It can also be a sign of a oral health issue, like gum disease, or a medical condition, like diabetes.

If your dentist in Kandivali finds that your breath doesn’t smell good, they can conduct further tests to determine the cause of the bad breath. It should be noted, though, that if your breath smells bad, you’re likely to be self-conscious about it. If you notice an unusually bad smell coming from your mouth, talk to your dentist as soon as possible to get to the root of the problem.

Summing up

If your dentist finds something unusual on the back of your tongue, they can check out the rest of your mouth. They can also perform tests to rule out certain diseases and conditions. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that a thorough tongue inspection can reveal a lot about your dental health. If your dentist checks the back of your tongue and finds no issues, that’s great news, but they’ll likely want to check the front of your tongue, too. Get best dental treatment at dentist in Kandivali.

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