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What to expect after a Dental Implant?

Dental Reconstruction

‍Having a dental implant can be life-changing. It can give you back the confidence to smile again, and even help you find new love with a sparkling new grin. But after getting an implant, your recovery won’t be over just yet. Here’s what you can expect after getting a dental implant. Implant surgery is usually straightforward, but it’s still an operation—with all the risks that come with anaesthesia and surgical intervention. There may be some swelling, pain, and discomfort for a few days afterward as the wound heals.

But with the right care and precautions during recovery, most patients report little long-term effects from having the procedure done at home or abroad. Here’s what to expect after getting a dental implant.

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Swelling after dental implant surgery

Dental implant surgery is relatively quick and straightforward compared to other types of procedures. But it’s still an operation—with all the risks that come with anesthesia and surgical intervention. And like any surgery, there may be some swelling and inflammation around the site of the implant.

For most people, the swelling will subside after a few days. But it’s important to be patient and let the wound heal fully before you begin to use and move the implant. Swelling around the implant could hinder its healing and even cause the implant to fail completely.

brushing technique right

Pain after implant surgery

There are many ways dental implant surgery can be done—either with a quick procedure in dental office, or with a longer surgery done in a hospital. But regardless of where you get the implants put in, there may be some short-term pain afterward. People often experience a sharp pain when the implant is put in. This may subside after a few hours to a day or so, but some people have a lingering ache for a few more days. Depending on the type of implant surgery you have done, there may also be some short-term pain as the incisions are closed and the wound heals. Again, this will subside with time as the body heals.

oral surgery

Recovery time after implant surgery

Dental implant surgery can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to fully heal. The healing time depends on many factors, including the type of implant, the surgical procedure, and your overall health. A general rule of thumb is that the implant will take about half the time to heal as the incisional wound it leaves behind.

If you have an implant put in on the roof of your mouth, you can expect the roof of your mouth to heal in about a month or so. For oral implant surgery that involves gum tissue, the healing time is a bit longer, usually about six to nine months. It’s also worth noting that healing time can vary from person to person, and you may need to take special care during the healing process.

Post-surgery care

Your surgeon will advise you on post-surgery care and instructions, but there are a few general guidelines to follow. First, take it easy. You’ve just had major surgery, and you need to let your body heal. If your surgeon advises bed rest, then bed rest. And if you’re not supposed to move or use your mouth, then don’t. Your surgeon may tell you to avoid certain activities while the implant is healing. If so, follow those instructions and don’t push yourself until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead.

Final Words

After getting a dental implant, you may feel like you’ve just won the lottery. You’ll be able to smile again and live a more normal, confident life without feeling self-conscious about your missing teeth. But even with all the best outcomes and luckiest breaks, you still need to take care of yourself after a dental implant surgery. Follow your surgeon’s instructions for wound care and healing, and you’ll be back to smiling in no time.

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