Dental Consultation GuideDental ImplantsPatient Experience

What is your experience with Dental Implants?

positive patient feedback

‍Dental implants are an excellent way to replace missing teeth and improve your smile, your self-esteem, and your quality of life. If you’re thinking about getting a dental implant but aren’t sure if it’s the right choice for you, keep reading to learn more about this procedure and see if it’s right for you. To find out if implants are a good option for you, we recommend speaking with a trusted dentist in Mumbai. They will be able to assess your oral health and let you know whether they are a good option for you in your specific case.

For the first few hours after your procedure, you won’t feel much. Your mouth will still be numb, and you may still be feeling the effects of dental sedation if you opted to be sedated during your procedure. After these effects wear off, however, some pain is normal.

Dr Chirag Chamria, Oral Surgeon

Dental Implants-Royal Dental Clinic

What is a Dental Implant?

It is a small metal post that is inserted into the jawbone via surgery. This post will serve as the new “root” for a dental crown or tooth replacement. it will fuse with your bone over time and provide a stable foundation for your new tooth. The goal is for implants to be as natural as possible, and you should be able to eat and speak with ease without anyone knowing that you have an implant.

Implants are often used to replace a single missing tooth or several teeth. If you are missing one or multiple teeth, you may experience difficulty eating certain foods and speaking clearly. Dental screws can replace your teeth and give you back your confidence.

Zygomatic Dental Implant

Why get a Dental Screw in Mumbai?

Dental implants are a great option for people who are missing one tooth or several teeth. They can also be used as an anchor for dentures. In addition to improving your oral health, implants can also drastically improve your appearance. If you are missing a tooth or several teeth, getting screws will make you feel more confident. You’ll be able to smile with ease, meet new people, and eat your favourite foods again.

Studies show long-term patient satisfaction with dental implants is higher than 90%, far exceeding those of other replacement options. What’s more? With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a more cost-effective solution than dentures or bridges.

How are they different from other options?

There are several tooth replacement options available, including dental Bridges, crowns, and dentures. You may choose to go with a dental bridge, crown, or implant because of your specific dental health needs. We recommend discussing your options with a dentist in Mumbai. They can help you determine which tooth replacement option is best for your individual situation.

A dental bridge or pontic is used to replace one missing tooth.

An implant can be used to replace one tooth or multiple teeth.

A dental crown is used to cover a tooth that has been damaged or decayed.

How much do Dental Implants cost?

The cost of implants varies between practices and patients, depending on your specific treatment plan. You can generally expect to pay between $3,100 and $9,800 per dental screw. Be sure to check with your dentist or oral specialist to get an accurate estimate of the cost of implants in Mumbai. Keep in mind that dental implants are a long-term investment. They are designed to last a lifetime and will pay for themselves over time as you avoid costly alternative treatments.

Dental Implants in Mumbai | Patient Speaks

“From my first consultation to the completion of my implant, my team worked side by side with the oral surgeon to ensure a smooth transition from one step to the next. They kept me involved and educated throughout the entire process. The procedures were comfortable, the temporary appliance look natural, and the end result in just one day. My tooth looks and feels like a natural tooth”

Should you get a Dental Implants in Mumbai?


If you are missing one or more teeth, you may want to get a dental implant. First, you’ll want to make sure you are a good candidate for the procedure. The best way to find out is to meet with a dentist or oral specialist to get an in-depth evaluation of your oral health.

If you are missing a tooth and have been considering implants, we recommend booking an appointment with a trusted dentist or oral specialist. They will be able to assess your oral health and let you know whether dental implants are a good option for you in your specific case.

dental implants
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