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What conditions can be linked to oral health?

Brain Stroke on oral health

It’s no secret that a person’s oral health can have an impact on the rest of their body. People who are struggling with gum disease or other issues like cavities and tooth decay often find that these problems impact things like their heart, kidney, and overall immune system as well. This is because there are many health conditions that can be linked to oral health. These are some of them.

Understanding oral health conditions

Health conditions that are considered to be related to oral health are those that are impacted by oral hygiene and oral health. In other words, these are diseases or illnesses that are caused by poor dental care and poor oral health in general. In many cases, people with poor dental hygiene will experience pain or discomfort in their mouths. This can be a result of many different conditions. These can include tooth decay, gum disease, cavities, and other issues. All of these can be linked to oral hygiene and oral health, which means they are considered conditions.

oral health lungs

Dental caries or Tooth decay

Dental caries, or tooth decay, is one of the most common issues that are linked to poor oral health and poor oral hygiene. Tooth decay occurs when bacteria that are found in people’s mouths combine with food particles and sugars and form acids. These acids can then break down the tooth, causing the enamel to wear away and the tooth to begin to decay.

While many people think that only those who eat large amounts of sugary foods are at risk of having dental caries, many others are also at risk. This includes those who do not eat a lot of sugar, but who do not brush and floss regularly. If a person does not take care of their teeth, bacteria and food particles can build up on their teeth and cause decay as well. Dental caries is preventable through the use of good oral hygiene practices.

tooth decay

Gum disease

Gum disease, or periodontitis, is another condition that is linked to poor oral hygiene and poor oral health practices. When people do not brush and floss regularly, bacteria and other particles can build up and cause gum disease. While it is rare for people to have symptoms of gum disease as a result of poor oral hygiene, many people who have gum disease do not realize it. Symptoms of gum disease can include bleeding when brushing, bad breath, pain when chewing, and more. These symptoms may not appear until the disease has become advanced and caused damage to the gums and the jawbone. Like dental caries, gum disease is preventable through proper oral hygiene.

heathy vs gingivitis gums
Gum Disease


Periodontitis is another oral health condition that is linked to poor oral hygiene and poor oral health. People with periodontitis, or gum disease, will notice that their gums become red and swollen, and can begin to recede from the teeth. This is because the bacteria from periodontitis has infected the gums and caused damage to the teeth, gums, and jawbone.

As this condition progresses, the bacteria will travel into the bone that holds the teeth in place, and can lead to tooth loss. This is why periodontitis is linked to general health conditions, as it can cause damage throughout the body. Poor oral hygiene, such as not brushing and flossing regularly, can increase the risk of periodontitis.


Osteoporosis is a general health condition that is linked to oral health. The Osteoporosis is a disease that causes the bones to become weak and fragile. This disease often affects the bones in the spine, but other bones in the body can be affected as well. Many people who have gum disease, also known as periodontitis, are at risk of having oral health issues that can lead to osteoporosis.

This is because gum disease can cause damage to the bones and teeth, which can then impact a person’s oral health and oral hygiene. When this happens, bacteria can travel throughout the body and cause damage to the bones. This can lead to a condition called osteopenia, or low bone density, which can then progress to osteoporosis.

oral health

Oral cancer

Oral cancer is general health condition that is linked to poor oral health, but it also linked to tobacco use. When people smoke or chew tobacco products, they are increasing their risk of developing oral cancer. This is because these products contain harmful substances that can lead to oral health issues such as oral cancer.

While Its conditions can be caused by poor oral hygiene, they can also be caused by periodontal disease. When this occurs, gum disease can lead to oral cancer. Oral cancer can also be linked to poor dental hygiene, as people who do not brush or floss regularly are at increased risk for this condition.


It is an important part of overall health, and it is possible for poor oral health to impact general health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and osteoporosis. Dental caries, gum disease, periodontitis, and osteoporosis can all be linked to poor oral health. By taking care of one’s oral health, people can help to prevent these conditions.

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