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What are Artificial Tooth Roots?

Tooth Root pieces

Artificial tooth roots are an excellent way to replace your natural tooth roots in order to support a crown or dental implant. Additionally, they can be used when the natural ones are unstable or cannot be treated with a standard restoration. Artificial teeth roots are not only beneficial in providing support for crowns or dental implants but they also prevent further damage to your natural teeth and gums. The artificial tooth root are usually made of composites that will blend into your existing teeth! They are not very obvious but you can spot them by looking for something that looks like it has been whittled by a primary school student. You see, the artificial tooth roots have this weird habit of crumbling up if you expose them to hot water or saliva. Nevertheless, artificial tooth roots have numerous advantages over natural ones which makes the former preferable in most cases.

What are the benefits of artificial tooth roots?

Firstly, the artificial tooth roots are significantly less likely to become infected when placed than the natural ones. This is because the artificial tooth are created in a sterile environment and cannot catch cavity or be exposed to bacteria. The artificial ones are also less likely to become loose or dislodged over time as they are fixed almost like natural teeth. Finally, the artificial tooth roots may not cause damage to the gums or other natural teeth as they are not being used to support the structure.

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Furthermore, artificial roots are available in a wide range of colors, shapes. And sizes and can be customized to fit your teeth. Additionally, these can be easily removed and replaced as needed, unlike natural tooth. Therefore, dental crowns can be used as a permanent solution in cases when the natural tooth root are missing or too weak. In addition, artificial tooth roots can be used if the natural tooth are too unstable to perform an implant procedure.

How do you place an artificial tooth root?

Artificial tooth roots are usually placed before installing a dental implant or a dental crown. First, your dentist will numb the tooth and gum area thoroughly before removing the diseased or decayed portion. Next, your dentist will clean the area thoroughly and re-shape the remaining tooth to create room for the dental crown. After this, your dentist will place the artificial tooth root and secure it in place with a dental adhesive

Finally, your dentist will cover the artificial tooth root with a special material so that it blends into the surrounding teeth. The procedure for placing an artificial tooth is similar to the process for securing a dental implant. The main difference is that placing an artificial tooth root does not require a hole to be drilled into the jawbone. This makes the process less invasive and less painful than placing an implant.

Why should you replace natural tooth roots?

Natural tooth roots can become decayed and worn over time, so it is useful to replace them with artificial ones. Natural tooth can also become loose or dislodged over time. Which can lead to further damage to the surrounding gum tissue. Artificial tooth roots can be placed in order to support a crown or dental implant. And prevent further damage to the surrounding gum tissue. If your natural tooth roots are decayed or loose, you should consider replacing them with artificial ones.

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Replacing your tooth roots will not only prevent further damage to your dental health but will also strengthen your bite. Moreover, replacing your missing or broken tooth will prevent them from falling out, which can lead to misalignment of other teeth. In addition, replacing your tooth roots will make it easier to clean your mouth and maintain your oral health. Replacing your tooth roots is usually a low-cost procedure and does not require extensive dental treatment.

Drawbacks of artificial tooth roots

  • They can crumble over time so you need to take better care. It needs to be cleaned properly.
  • Dental crowns don’t have the same strength as natural tooth roots. They can weaken the surrounding natural teeth.
  • You may have to permanently avoid certain foods such as sticky, staining foods.
  • They can be difficult to place in very decayed tooth roots. Artificial tooth roots crumble if exposed to hot water or saliva, which can make them difficult to clean.

This can lead to a build-up of bacteria in your mouth and cause bad breath. If the artificial ones are used to support a dental crown. They can weaken the natural tooth roots near the gum line. This can cause the gum line to recede and make it difficult to clean your teeth. If you use artificial tooth roots to support an implant. It can be more difficult to place the implant and may require additional procedures.

Is an artificial tooth root right for you?

Artificial tooth are a viable solution in cases when the natural tooth roots are too weak to support a dental restoration. Furthermore, artificial tooth roots can be used in cases when the natural ones are too unstable to perform an implant procedure. Additionally, these dental crowns can be used as a temporary solution in situations when the natural tooth roots are too decayed or loose to support a dental restoration. That being said, artificial tooth can be used in cases when the natural tooth roots are too decayed or loose. This is because replacing the natural tooth roots with artificial ones can limit the damage. Being done to the surrounding gum tissue by the natural ones.

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