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Saving a Damaged Natural Tooth

broken tooth treatment in Mumbai

Damaged Natural Tooth is considered nothing less than a type of trauma as it stops you from smiling and shatters confidence. Some of the common causes of tooth breaking are eating hard food like candy or an ice cube, falling accidents, tooth injury, or cavity. However, the good news is that modern dentistry has the solutions to most dental problems due to the use of advanced technology.  There are dental services, providing emergency dental treatments to patients everywhere in the world. All a patient needs is to consult a dentist in the first place if they have a broken or fractured tooth. The dentist will professionally guide them about what option will be best to treat the condition.

How is a Natural tooth damaged?

A natural tooth can become damaged in many different ways. Some of the most common types of damage include cracks, breaks, cavities, infections, and gum disease. Fortunately, most types of it can be treated and the tooth saved. However, the sooner you receive treatment the better. A tooth can only be saved if it has not been completely destroyed. If the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected, the chance of saving the tooth is greatly reduced.

dental procedure tooth pain

The best way to save a tooth is to practice good oral hygiene regularly and see your dentist every six months for a teeth cleaning and checkup. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should visit your dentist immediately to have the problem diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Causes of damage to a natural tooth

Bruxism: A condition in which the person grinds their teeth. Can be caused by stress or anxiety, or even just a bad habit.

Decay: A tooth can become decayed usually due to poor oral hygiene. Sometimes it can develop due to genetics, a lack of fluoride in the area, or a medical condition.

Trauma: Sometimes teeth can be damaged by trauma like a sports injury.

Gum disease: If the gums become infected and swollen, they can start to pull away from the teeth.

Osteoporosis: A condition in which the bones become weak and porous. Illness Some illnesses can cause damage to the teeth and gums.

Medication: Some medications can cause damage to the teeth.

Types of Treatments for a damaged natural tooth

If you have a damaged natural tooth, there are a number of treatments your dentist might recommend. Some examples include:

Reconstructive dentistry – it has been badly damaged, a dentist may recommend reconstructive dentistry.

Tooth extraction – If a tooth has been completely destroyed, extraction is sometimes the only option.

Bridging – If one or more teeth have been badly damaged, a dentist may recommend a bridge. This is a dental procedure used to replace missing teeth.

Dental implants – If has been badly damaged and extraction is not an option, a dentist may recommend dental implants

Expect seeing a dentist for damaged natural tooth

When visiting a dentist for a damaged tooth, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you inform the dentist of any current or previous dental issues. Second, take good care of your teeth between appointments. Brush and floss regularly, use mouthwash, and visit the dentist for regular checkups. And third, be prepared for any potential costs. Some dental procedures are more expensive than others, so make sure to discuss the costs with your dentist beforehand.

Tips for preventing damage to teeth

The best way to prevent damage to teeth is to practice good oral hygiene. Make sure you visit the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings and bring your toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere you go. You should also avoid smoking and excessive alcohol as these can damage your teeth. Finally, you can prevent damage to your teeth by visiting the dentist regularly and getting your teeth cleaned and checked.

dental tooth broke
natural tooth damaged

The importance of regular dental checkups

Regular dental checkups are the best way to prevent dental issues and catch them early. Visiting your dentist regularly will allow them to catch any potential issues before they become serious. It will also allow them to provide you with preventative care, such as teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, and sealants. All of these can help to prevent damage to your teeth.

Advice from experts on saving a damaged tooth

If you have a damaged tooth, the best thing to do is see a dentist as soon as possible. While there are DIY methods you can use to treat minor damage, more serious dental issues should always be seen by a professional. At the dentist, they will assess the damage to your tooth and decide on the best course of treatment based on their findings.

In the meantime, you can follow these tips to help save a damaged tooth:

Don’t eat on the side of the damage: The best thing to do is to eat on the other side of your mouth.

Visit the dentist: If you have a damaged tooth, visit the dentist to have it treated.

Follow your dentist’s instructions: If you are given oral treatment, follow the instructions carefully to make sure it works.

Don’t forget to floss: You should floss regularly even if you have a dental procedure done.


A healthy smile is one of the most important parts of well-being. However, even the most diligent oral hygiene practices can’t prevent our teeth from getting damaged at times. Whether it’s a chipped tooth, a cracked tooth, or a cavity, it’s important to know what to do in the event of a dental emergency. Fortunately, most types of damage can be treated and the tooth saved. The best way to save a tooth is to practice good oral hygiene regularly and see your dentist for regular checkups. With the right guidance and knowledge, you can keep your teeth healthy and strong for years to come. And if you ever find yourself in a dental emergency, you now know what to do.

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