Cosmetic DentistryRoot Canal TreatmentSave Your Teeth

How Much Does Root Canal Cost in India

Root canal treatment by dentist in mumbai

Root canal treatment is an integral part of dental care in India. It is a procedure that can help save a tooth that has been damaged due to decay or infection. Root canal treatment is a complex procedure, and one of the biggest questions that patients have is how much it will cost. The cost of root canal treatment in India can vary depending on the complexity of the case as well as the dentist. In this article, we will discuss the factors that impact the cost of root canal treatment in India and provide some tips on how to save money. We will also discuss what you can expect from the procedure and what post-procedure care you should take. So, if you are considering getting a root canal treatment, read on to find out what you need to know.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from inside the root canal and restoring it with a filling material. The procedure is usually done to save a tooth that has been damaged due to decay or infection, as it will prevent the tooth from needing to be extracted.

Tooth infection

Root canal treatment typically involves two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the dentist will examine the affected tooth, take an X-ray, and then use a local anesthetic to numb the area. The dentist will then use a drill to remove the damaged pulp, clean the root canal, and then fill it with a medicated material. The second visit is usually used to check on the progress of the healing process and to ensure that the root canal is completely sealed.

Factors that affect cost of root canal treatment in India

  1. Check with your insurance provider: If you have dental insurance, check with your provider to determine what portion of the cost, if any, will be covered. Some plans may cover a significant portion of the cost of the treatment.
  2. Shop around: Compare the cost of root canal treatment from different dentists in your area. Prices can vary significantly between dental practices, and finding a provider that offers a more affordable price can save you money.
  3. Consider a dental school: Many dental schools offer discounted rates for certain dental procedures, including root canal treatment. The treatment is performed by dental students under the supervision of licensed dentists.
  4. Discuss payment options with your dentist: Many dental practices offer payment plans or financing options to help patients manage the cost of the treatment. Discuss payment options with your dentist to determine if there are any options that would make the treatment more affordable.
  5. Maintain good oral health: One of the best ways to save money on dental procedures, including root canal treatment, is to maintain good oral health. Brush and floss daily, limit sugary foods and drinks, and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings to prevent dental problems before they become more serious and expensive to treat.
  6. Consider a one-sitting root canal treatment: Although the initial cost of a one-sitting root canal treatment may be higher than a traditional root canal treatment, it may be more cost-effective in the long run, as it can reduce the number of visits required and associated costs.

How to save cost on root canal treatment?

One of the best ways to save money on root canal treatment is to look for dental clinics that offer discounts or special offers. Many clinics offer discounts for new patients, students, seniors, and members of certain organizations. You should also look for dental clinics that offer payment plans or financing options.

It is also important to make sure that you are getting the best value for money by comparing quotes from different clinics. This will help you to find the most affordable option.

Another way to save money on root canal treatment is to look for clinics that offer generic materials or those made from composite resin rather than those made from gold or titanium. Generic materials are often just as effective as the more expensive materials and can help to reduce the cost of the procedure significantly.

What to expect from root canal procedure?

Before undergoing root canal treatment, you should discuss the procedure with your dentist. Your dentist will explain the process and answer any questions you may have. During the procedure, your dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the affected area. They will then use a drill to remove the damaged pulp from the root canal and clean it. The root canal will then be filled with medicated material. After the procedure, you may experience some discomfort for a few days. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication to help with this. It is also important to follow any post-procedure instructions given by your dentist.

Consultation and X-ray: Before the procedure, your dentist will examine your tooth and take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage and plan the treatment.

Anesthesia: Your dentist will numb the area around the affected tooth with a local anesthetic to ensure that you do not experience any pain during the procedure.

root canal treatment endodontics

Access and cleaning: Your dentist will create an opening in the top of the tooth to access the pulp chamber and root canals. The infected or damaged pulp tissue is removed using specialized tools, and the canals are cleaned and shaped.

Filling: Once the canals are clean and dry, they are filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Your dentist may place a temporary filling on top of the gutta-percha to protect the tooth until it can be restored with a permanent filling or crown.

Follow-up appointment: You will need to return to your dentist for a follow-up appointment to have the temporary filling removed and the tooth restored with a permanent filling or crown.

Recovery: After the procedure, you may experience some mild discomfort and sensitivity. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to manage these symptoms.

Post-procedure care for a root canal treatment?

After the procedure, it is important to take good care of your teeth to ensure that the root canal treatment is successful. This includes brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day, avoiding hard and sticky foods, and seeing your dentist for regular check-ups. Your dentist may also suggest that you get a dental crown or cap to protect the treated tooth. This will help to ensure that the tooth is not damaged further.

Cost of root canal treatment in major cities in India

The cost of root canal treatment in India can vary significantly depending on the city you are in. Generally, the cost of treatment is higher in cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru as compared to smaller cities.

root canal treatment visit

In Mumbai, the cost of root canal treatment can range from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 depending on the complexity of the case and the type of materials used. In Delhi, the cost can range from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 40,000, while in Bengaluru, the cost can range from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 30,000.

How to choose the best dental clinic for a root canal treatment?

When choosing a dental clinic for root canal treatment, it is important to make sure that it is reputable and has experienced dentists. You should also ensure the clinic is well-equipped with the latest technology and materials. It is also important to make sure that the clinic is willing to provide you with a detailed quote before the procedure. This will help you to compare quotes from different clinics and make sure that you are getting the best value for money.

Alternatives to root canal treatment?

If root canal treatment is not suitable for you or you are looking for an alternative, then there are several other options available. These include tooth extraction, dental implants, and bridges. Tooth extraction is usually the last resort and should only be done if the tooth is too badly damaged for root canal treatment to be effective. Dental implants are an artificial replacement for a missing tooth and can help to restore your smile. Bridges are also an option, as they can help to fill the gap left by a missing tooth.

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Questions to ask your dentist before a root canal treatment

  1. Why do I need a root canal treatment?
    – Your dentist should be able to explain why the procedure is necessary and what the expected outcomes are.
  2. What is the procedure for the root canal treatment?
    – Your dentist should be able to explain the process of the treatment, including how long it will take, what will happen during the procedure, and what you can expect afterward.
  3. What type of anesthesia will be used?
    – Your dentist should explain what type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure, how it will be administered, and what side effects you might experience.
  4. What are the risks associated with the procedure?

– Your dentist should discuss any potential risks or complications associated with the procedure.

5. What are the alternatives to a root canal treatment?
– Your dentist should explain any alternative treatments and their associated risks and benefits.

6. How much will the root canal treatment cost?
– Your dentist should provide you with an estimate of the total cost of the procedure, including any follow-up appointments or necessary restorative work.

7. Will the root canal treatment be completed in one visit or multiple visits?
-Your dentist should explain how many visits will be necessary to complete the treatment.

8. How can I manage any pain or discomfort after the procedure?
– Your dentist should provide you with instructions on how to manage any discomfort or pain after the procedure, as well as any potential side effects or complications to watch for.


Root canal treatment is an important procedure for saving a damaged or infected tooth. The cost of root canal treatment in India can vary depending on the complexity of the case, the type of materials used, and the kind of dental clinic you go to. There are several ways to save money on root canal treatment, including looking for discounts and special offers and comparing quotes from different clinics. It is also important to make sure that you are getting the best value for money. Finally, if root canal treatment is not suitable for you, then there are other options available such as tooth extraction, dental implants, and bridges.

Don’t let tooth pain hold you back! Take control of your oral health today and say goodbye to discomfort with our professional root canal treatment in Mumbai. Experience relief and restore your smile’s brilliance. Schedule your appointment now and put an end to dental pain. Remember, a healthier, happier you begin with a simple call! Dial +91 9971290903 and take the first step towards a pain-free future. Act now, because your smile deserves the best care!

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  1. thanks for the information

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