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How is tooth related to overall health?

Parkinson's oral health

Everyone knows that strong teeth are healthy teeth. Your dentist may have even told you that a strong mouth is also a happy mouth. But how much do you know about the connection between tooth health and your general health? A strong set of pearly whites isn’t just about vanity, it’s about your health. Strong teeth help you chew food properly and prevent diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and other oral diseases. If left untreated, these conditions can lead to more serious implications – including heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer! This article will not only explain the direct link between tooth health and overall health but also list some of the best ways to keep those pearly whites clean and healthy.

Dental health and your general health

When you visit your dentist, they’ll not only tell you what you need to do to retain healthy teeth and gums, they also pay attention to your overall health. Why? Because your oral health plays an integral role in your general well-being! Strong teeth and healthy gums help you chew food properly, preventing indigestion, bloating, and other digestive problems. Healthy gums also allow blood to flow through the body properly, reducing your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.

tooth oral hygiene
Oral hygiene

It’s important to note that there is a direct link between tooth decay and disease – not just oral diseases. Tooth decay leads to many diseases that affect the rest of the body. This is because bacteria from the mouth travel throughout the body and if allowed to grow unchecked, can cause serious health problems. For example, bacteria from the mouth can travel through the blood to the heart and cause heart disease. Also, bacteria from the mouth can travel to the kidneys and cause kidney disease.

Oral health and diabetes

People with diabetes have an increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay because their bodies don’t produce insulin and have less ability to fight off bacteria that cause both conditions. The best way to avoid gum disease and tooth decay in individuals with diabetes is to carefully follow their doctor’s directions for oral care and diet. A diabetic’s oral health can be affected in a number of ways.

cosmetic dentistry

First, diabetes can cause a condition called “gerd” (gastroesophageal reflux disease) which can lead to tooth decay and gingivitis. Additionally, high blood sugar levels in diabetics can cause sugar to build up on teeth and lead to tooth decay; a common form of tooth decay is called “dental caries”.

Oral health and cardiovascular disease

Your teeth and gums are not just a part of your mouth. They also go beyond the surface and extend into your body, making them an organ. Your teeth and gums are connected to your immune system and your heart, which means that they have the ability to affect your heart health and the health of your entire body. One of the best examples is the link between gum disease and cardiovascular disease.

Studies have confirmed that people who have periodontitis (which is a form of gum disease) are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who do not. There are a couple of reasons behind this. First, the bacteria from gum disease can travel through your bloodstream and end up in your heart. The bacteria in your bloodstream can cause lesions in your heart and arteries, which can result in heart disease.


Your oral health is a reflection of your overall health. There is a direct connection between tooth decay and disease because bacteria from your mouth travel throughout your body and can cause infections in your heart, kidneys, and elsewhere. Tooth decay and gum disease can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. To prevent these complications, it’s important to practice proper oral hygiene and see a dentist regularly.

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