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Foods to avoid immediately after Cancer Surgery?

food for teeth

If you’ve had cancer surgery, you probably know that you need to take special care in what you eat after the operation. Your doctor will have given you detailed instructions on what foods to avoid and what foods are safe for you. Following these recommendations will help your recovery process go more smoothly and prevent the risk of complications. Heavy protein-rich food can put an additional strain on your immune system, making it hard for it to heal and fight any potential infections afterward. These foods should be avoided following cancer surgery.

Fatty and Processed Meats

If you’ve had cancer surgery, you’ll have to avoid fatty and processed meats, such as bratwurst, bacon, corned beef, and hot dogs. This is because these types of meat are rich in saturated fats, which can cause an increase in the risk of blood clots. As the risk of blood clots increases post-surgery, you should avoid foods containing high levels of saturated fat. Another reason to avoid fatty and processed meats after cancer surgery is that they are high in protein.

junk fatty food to avoid

Protein is harder for your body to break down and digest compared to other nutrients such as fat and carbohydrate. This means that your body will need more energy to process it. Higher levels of protein in your diet can cause your immune system to become weaker, making it harder for your body to fight off the risk of infection and heal properly. While protein is essential for your body to function properly, too much of it can be harmful. That’s why your doctor will likely advise you to avoid these meats after your surgery.

Milk and Dairy Products

After having cancer surgery, you’ll have to avoid foods containing high levels of lactose, such as milk and dairy products. The high levels of lactose in these foods can cause digestive issues such as bloating and cramps. Lactose intolerance is a disorder that makes it harder for the body to break down and digest lactose. This can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and gas. While the severity of the symptoms can vary from person to person, it is best to avoid foods containing high levels of lactose to avoid any potential discomfort. There are other reasons to avoid milk and dairy products after cancer surgery.

green tea

Dairy products are a good source of calcium, which is essential for healthy bones, but too much of it can lead to calcium build-up in the body. This can cause issues such as kidney stones, joint pain, and digestive problems. As your body will be under a lot of stress following your surgery, you don’t want to put more strain on it by eating foods that are hard to digest. This is why your doctor will most likely advise you to avoid milk and dairy products after your surgery.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are packed full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs, but after your surgery, you’ll have to avoid these foods. This is because the high amount of volume in these foods can put too much strain on your digestive system. Nuts and seeds are high fibre and protein, which is why they has linked to better heart health, stronger bones.

But, as was mentioned above when talking about protein, high levels of protein put a strain on your body, which is why you should avoid them after cancer surgery. Fats and oils are also found in nuts and seeds. It is recommended that you avoid eating too much of them after cancer surgery. This is because fats slow down the rate of wound healing while oils can cause damage to the healing tissue.


After surgery, you’ll have to avoid eggs, which are rich in protein. This is because eating too many eggs can put more strain on your stomach and make it harder for your body to digest them properly. While eating eggs regularly is recommended for a healthy diet, eating them in abundance can slow down your body’s ability to process them. If you’ve had cancer surgery, you may also have to avoid eggs because they are often fertilized. This can contain traces of bird flu, which can pose a risk to people who have had cancer surgery.

The risk is low, but the last thing you want to do after surgery is put your health at risk. Eggs are also high cholesterol, which can put unnecessary strain on your heart and increase the risk of heart attack. This is particularly concerning if you have had surgery to remove your gallbladder. A gallbladder is a small organ in the body that helps break down fat in the body. After surgery, it is common to have your gallbladder removed, which can lead to fat going undigested in the body.

Deep-fried Foods

Deep-fried foods are packed full of fat and calories, which is why it is recommended that you avoid eating them. Deep-frying foods increases the levels of fat, which can put an additional strain on your heart and digestive system. This is particularly important if you have had surgery to remove your gallbladder. As mentioned above, having your gallbladder removed can cause fat to go undigested in the body, so it is advisable to avoid eating too many high-fat foods. Deep-fried foods are also high in cholesterol, which can put an unnecessary strain on your heart and increase the risk of heart attack. Depending on which part of your body was removed during surgery, deep-fried foods may also be difficult to digest and cause digestive issues.

juices after cancer surgery


If you’ve had cancer surgery, it is important to follow your doctor’s advice carefully What You you can eat. Post-surgery, you will likely be under lot of stress and need all the help it can get to recover. Eating the wrong kinds of food can put an additional strain on your body and make your recovery process take longer. By following your doctor’s recommendations, you can make your healing process much easier and reduce the risk of complications and infections.

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  1. very very good clinic

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