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Does sugarless candy cause tooth decay?

sugar and oral health

Cracking or breaking your teeth is something that most people fear, especially as they grow older and their risk of dental problems increases. Sugarless candy might seem like the ideal choice if you’re trying to protect your teeth from decay, but does sugarless candy really cause tooth decay? And is it a good idea to eat sugarless candy from time to time? If you have diabetes, you should avoid eating sugarless gummy bears. Sugar-free sweets are also not recommended for people with fructose intolerance. This article takes a look at how sugarless candy affects your teeth, and whether it’s a good idea to snack on them occasionally or not.

Sugarless Candy and Cavity Prevention

Tooth decay or cavities happen when bacteria in your mouth metabolize the sugars in your diet, forming sticky dental plaque. If you don’t clean your teeth regularly and brush your gums, this plaque is left to harden and calcify, causing tooth decay. Eating sweets is not a great idea for anyone, but if you’re trying to prevent tooth decay, it’s a good idea to eat less sugar.

tooth decay cavities
Painful Tooth

Sugarless candy has less sugar than its sugary counterpart, which makes it a better choice for those trying to avoid cavities. However, the overall effect of sugarless candy on your teeth is still debated. It’s important to note that while sugarless candy might reduce the risk of cavities, it also contains artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and xylitol.

Can Sugarless Candy Cause Cavities?

Sugarless candies are generally low in sugar and other carbohydrates, which means they do not cause dental caries. Studies have shown that sugarless candies do not lead to an increased risk of tooth decay. In fact, there is some evidence that sugar-free candies may actually help prevent tooth decay. It’s important to note that one study found that xylitol candies may cause a significant increase in tooth decay when compared to other sugar-free sweets. However, this result did not apply to everyone, so it’s best to brush and floss your teeth regularly.

What Is Sugar-Free Candy Made Of?

Sugar-free candy contains alternative sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, and erythritol. Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener commonly found in diet foods and drinks. Sucralose is another artificial sweetener that is often used in place of sugar in products such as baked goods and snacks. erythritol is a natural sweetener that is found in many fruits and fermented foods. It’s important to note that not all sugar-free candies are suitable for people trying to avoid dental decay. Some brands contain large amounts of sugar alcohol, which can cause digestive discomfort if consumed in large amounts.

tooth decay

Should You Eat Sugarless Candy?

Sugarless candy is a good choice if you’re trying to avoid tooth decay, but it’s important to eat it in moderation. One study found that eating large amounts of sugar-free sweets may cause a significant increase in dental caries, while other studies show that the risk is low if consuming the sweets occasionally. It’s important to remember that sugarless candy is not a healthy alternative to regular sweets. Most of these products are high in calories, contain high amounts of sugar and alcohol, and are high in fat.

Bottom line

Sugarless candy is a great choice if you’re trying to avoid cavities and are worried about your teeth. It’s important, however, to eat it in moderation and brush your teeth regularly. Make sure to seek advice from your dentist if you have any concerns about the health of your teeth.

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