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At what age can you quit having dental care?

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Dental care, especially when you’re young, is seen as a necessary evil, something like a tax that you have to pay for the privilege of being an adult. But what if we are looking at this the wrong way? Well, we think so. The adult world seems to be crammed with people who have given up on their dreams and decided to make peace with mediocrity. There are many things in life that we take for granted as best left to grownups (like taking a 5 o’clock shadow as a sign of ‘maturity’). But which become far more rewarding once you realise they can’t just be resigned to adulthood. Read more on what adult dental care for teeth and gums is important.

What Dental Care means to an adult

If you’re a child, you’re probably happy to see the dentist at least twice a year for regular cleanings. You don’t know any better, so why not just go to the dentist as often as possible? In adulthood, dental care becomes a different thing. It becomes something you have to do. Something you have to pay for. Something that kind of sucks. Sure, it’s necessary, but it also seems like one of those things that just happens automatically as you age. We become resigned to the fact that we’re going to have to have a dental visit every 6 months or so whether we want to or not.

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Committing to Dental Care without quitting

You’ve probably heard that you should commit to going to the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and an exam. That’s what the ADA recommends for people in their 20s and 30s. But once you hit your 30s, you’re supposed to commit to going twice a year for a cleaning and a checkup. What’s the difference? But really, there’s not much difference at all.

The only real difference is that it can be easier to find a dentist who will take you on as a new patient. That’s because once you hit your 30s, you can start getting cavities. They might not happen right away, but they can happen. And the only true way to prevent them is regular dental care.

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Why you shouldn’t Quit having Dental Care

Here’s one benefit of regular dental care: You avoid having to get major dental work done. A lot of people our age have had a root canal, dental implants, or some other major dental work done. We’ve heard people talk about it with a grim look on their face and an ‘Oh man, dental work is no joke!’ kind of tone. That’s because they’d neglected their teeth for so long that they had to do major dental work to get back to normal.

Quit anything but Dental Care

There are a few things that should be included in any grownup’s life. But you shouldn’t be making a point of quitting these things! When you are young, things are fresh and exciting and it’s easy to want to be an adult. But as you get older and start to build a life for yourself, you might find yourself wanting to quit a few things you once enjoyed.

Having fun – Sure, you’re an adult now, and you have to work. But you can still have fun. After all, isn’t that why you’re working in the first place?

Having hobbies – While you’re an adult, you’ll have to get a job. That’s no secret. But you don’t have to give up the things you love. Whether you’re a writer, a painter, or a self-proclaimed ‘foodie’, you can still have a hobby.

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Having a social life – When you’re younger, you’re in school and have plenty of friends. But as you get older, you might feel like you’re being forced to give up having a social life. You might want to start going out to bars or clubs.

Having a healthy diet – Your parents might have given you a healthy diet growing up. But as you get older, you might decide to stop being so careful with your eating.

Having time to yourself – You might find yourself constantly busy as you get older. You might work a few different jobs and have a family. You might feel like you don’t have enough time to yourself. But you should still try to make time for yourself. Why? Because you need time to relax. You need time to yourself so you can think about what you want for your future.

3 Habits that help maintain Teeth and Smile

Eat a balanced diet – You might want to start eating better. You might want to eat more vegetables or stop eating processed foods. That’s fine. But make sure that you’re eating a balanced diet. You don’t want to cut out too many things and start getting malnutrition!

Drink more water – You’ve heard this since you were a kid. But now, it’s more important than ever! Water keeps your mouth clean and helps to prevent cavities. It also cleans out toxins in your body that could make you sick. –

Brush and floss regularly – You should be doing this anyway. But as you get older, it’s even more important. Start taking care of your teeth.


It’s easy to feel like a child once you’ve grown up. That’s natural. You want to feel like you’re a real adult, not just some kid who’s playing dress up. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up everything that made you happy as a child. And this includes dental care. You don’t have to accept that dental care is a necessary evil that you have to pay for every 6 months. Instead, you can make it a part of your life. That way, you’ll always have a healthy smile and be able to laugh freely without worrying about stained teeth.

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