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What is a beautiful smile?

real natural smile dentist

Let’s be honest: It can be hard to feel confident if you don’t have a beautiful smile. But what is a smile, and why is it so important? A grin is more than just a facial expression we make when we’re happy or amused. It’s also an automatic response that involves the muscles in our face, mouth, and nose. Think about smiling the next time you see something funny or pleasant; you will notice that your cheeks lift up and your eyes crinkle slightly at the corners. A gap or dark space between the lips/cheeks and the teeth will appear dark and unappealing. The width of the jaws and angulation of the teeth impact the look of overall face. Teeth that are positioned in the face well, fill out this space so there is little or no gap, giving a pleasing grin.

What does a smile mean?

A smile can mean many different things depending on the person who is doing and the context in which it is given. It can be a display of joy or amusement, as when we see a child laughing in delight. A smile can also be a sign of goodwill, as we do it at a friend as a way of showing friendship. A grin can also be a sign of greeting, as when we smile at a stranger to show them we are friendly.

Teeth Straightening Smile

A smile can be a sign of happiness, or when something good happens to us. It can also be a sign of embarrassment, as when we smile because we are shy or nervous. Finally, a warm gesture like this can be a sign of reassurance, as a doctor or nurse comforts a patient to make them feel more comfortable.

What is the science behind smiling?

Have you ever tried to hold a pencil between your teeth? Researchers have proved that intentionally exercising your facial muscles (zygomaticus major muscle and orbicularis oculi muscle) can actually make you feel better even when you are sad.

big teeth smile design

During a pleasant situation, when the brain feels happy, endorphin ins or happy hormones are produced and neuronal signals are transmitted to your facial muscles which trigger you to smile. So when your facial muscles contract, they signal the brain, stimulating our reward system and further increasing the level of the happy hormones.

Why is a smile important?

  • You feel happier – Smiling releases endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel happy. It can help you feel more positive, regardless of what’s happening around you.
  • You appear more confident – A smile makes you appear friendlier and more approachable. It can also make you feel more confident.
  • People respond positively to you – People respond to a smile and will likely smile back at you. Smiling can also help you make friends and build relationships.
  • You appear more attractive – Studies show that people who smile are perceived as more attractive. So, if you want to attract a date or partner, smiling is one way to make yourself more appealing.

How to achieve a confident smile

Visualization – When was the last time you smiled at someone and they didn’t smile back? In fact, smiling is contagious, so it’s important to smile at others as a way of making them feel happy. But what if you’re not a naturally happy person? First, you need to recognize that happiness (and its opposite, sadness) are state of mind, not things that happen to us passively. We choose to be happy or sad, and we can also choose to change our emotional state.

So, when you want to smile, but you just can’t find the feeling, visualize the situation in your mind. Try to see the scene playing out before you as if you were there in person: What do you see? What do you hear? What are you feeling? Take a few moments to really immerse yourself in the situation and try to feel the emotions you want to feel. Do this regularly and you will find that it gets easier and easier to smile when you want to.

Practice – Even if you’re not a naturally happy person, it’s important to make smiling a part of your daily life. The more you do it, the easier it will become and the more confident you will feel. So, when you’re alone, make it a part of your daily routine to smile at yourself in the mirror. Or, you can smile at your favourite stuffed animal; studies show that babies respond well to people who smile at them, so your stuffed animal might appreciate a smile, too.

3 Steps to build your confidence with a smile

  • Recognise your strengths – Everybody has something they are good at, so start to recognize the things you are naturally good at. Think about the things that come naturally to you and you find easy, like playing an instrument or baking a delicious cake. This will help you focus on the strengths you already have rather than the things that make you feel insecure.
  • Build on your strengths – Once you know what your strengths are, try to find ways to build on them. For example, if you’re good at baking, try to find a group baking class in your area. Or, you can try baking treats for your friends and family.
  • Focus on the things that make you happy – When you focus on the things that make you happy, you feel happier. So, whenever you start to feel insecure, focus on the things that make you smile.

Attractive smiles have various things in common, such as teeth that are white, unstained, straight, evenly spaced with no gaps between them and not crowded or overlapping. When you grin, your top teeth show fully in a good proportion to your gums. The line where the gums and teeth meet is smooth and even.

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