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What are some favourite dental products?

oral hygiene right brushing

Keeping your teeth white and healthy isn’t just about brushing them. It’s also about what kind of toothpaste you use, how often you brush, and what other dental products you add to your routine. Did you know that drinking soda has a lot more to do with yellow teeth than orange ones? That’s because the tannic acid in soda is a natural stain that can gradually discolor your teeth. In this article, we outline three essential dental products that will help keep your pearly whites brilliant and boost your oral hygiene at the same time. Read on to find out more.

Dental Mouthwash

Mouthwash is a great way to clean your teeth and gums. However, many of the popular mouthwash brands on the market are full of artificial ingredients. They don’t provide any real benefits for oral health and may even damage your teeth. The best mouthwash for oral health is free from chemicals and additives. It should be low-alcohol and fluoride-free so it doesn’t damage your gums or teeth. Instead, it should contain essential oils that can help reduce plaque, kill harmful bacteria, and freshen breath.

mouthwash Listerine

When choosing a mouthwash, look for the following key ingredients: essential oils, natural extracts, vitamins, minerals, and natural antibacterial agents. You can also opt for a plant-based mouthwash, which will be even more gentle on your teeth and gums.

Dental Floss

Plaque that’s lodged between your teeth can cause gingivitis and lead to other serious dental issues. If you don’t want to end up with an expensive dental bill, you should make it a regular habit to floss. However, regular string floss can be a bit of a drag. Luckily, there are several modern alternatives to string floss that are much more convenient and easier to use. One of the best alternatives to string floss is interdental brushes or flossing picks.

dental flossing oral hygiene

They are small, plastic, or wooden picks that are designed to fit between your teeth. It can be used to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth just as effectively as regular floss. They also tend to be more convenient to use than floss because they can reach places that string floss can’t. If you prefer using string floss, make sure you don’t snap it in half when you use it. Ripping string floss in half is a very bad idea because it can easily scratch your gums and damage your teeth. Instead, purchase a large, thick roll of string floss so you can easily thread it between your teeth.

Oral b electric toothbrush

Using an electric toothbrush can help improve your brushing technique and lead to a better oral hygiene routine. But not all electric toothbrushes are created equal. Look for an electric toothbrush that has a built-in timer and pulsating settings. This will help you brush for the recommended 2 minutes, which is the minimum brushing time according to oral hygiene experts. And the pulsating settings will help stimulate your gums and improve their health. Be sure to select an electric toothbrush with soft bristles.

electronic toothbrush

Hard bristles can damage your gums, which may cause them to recede over time. This can lead to a less attractive smile. An electric toothbrush with soft bristles can be used on your entire mouth, including your gums. You can also use it to clean your tongue, which is an important step in oral hygiene. If you’re interested in an electric toothbrush, one of the best models on the market is the Oral B Electric Toothbrush.

Dental pro-b DA2 disc bristle brush

If you’re serious about oral health, you should consider investing in a high-quality disc toothbrush. Disc toothbrushes are gentler on the gums than regular toothbrushes and can decrease gum recession. You can select from a variety of disc toothbrushes. Make sure you choose a model that has soft bristles. And don’t be afraid to spend a little extra on a high-quality disc toothbrush. A good-quality disc toothbrush will last a long time and improve your oral health. If you aren’t sure which disc toothbrush to buy, one of the best models on the market is the Pro-B DA2 Disc Toothbrush.


In this article, we outline three essential dental products that will help keep your pearly whites brilliant and boost your oral hygiene at the same time. Read on to find out more. In summary, when it comes to dental health, you should choose an alcohol-free mouthwash, floss with a gentler type of floss such as interdental brushes or flossing picks, and use a soft bristled disc toothbrush. By using these dental products, you can keep your teeth healthy and white while also improving your oral hygiene routine.

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