“Silver amalgam” is a dental filling material which used to fill the tooth cavities or oral pits. It is in use as a dental filling material for over 150+ years. Whereas “Dental amalgam” is a mixture of liquid containing mercury and powdered alloy consisting of silver, tin and copper. Also, this Mercury amalgam reacts with the silver, copper and tin mixture and the binding of which forms an amalgam mixture. Let’s read further on why Dental Amalgam must be replaced with other restorations.
SAPTeeth Dental filling
SAPTeethTM are highly specialised polymers, specially made to protect the bone, implant, or natural tooth. Research shows that ceramic, porcelain, Ni-Cr, and Zirconia teeth exert about 24 to 149 times more stress on bone as compared to SAPTeethTM. However, this difference is due to the shock absorbing capability of these polymers. Therefore, in patients with weak bone or low calcium, SAPTeethTM recommended over conventional materials. The best part about these materials customised to perfectly re-create your smile. And, that too in a matter of few hours.

Furthermore, in the last few decades concerns over potential toxicity of silver amalgam dentist to opt for other options. Newer materials like composites, polymers and ceramics are gaining popularity.
Is Dental Amalgam safe for health?
Dental amalgam fillings may release small amounts of mercury in the form of a vapor (gas), depending on the number and age of existing fillings, and actions such as tooth grinding and gum chewing. When a new amalgam filling or an old filling, patients may experience a temporary increase in exposure to mercury vapor. While there are no known health risks associated with ingestion of small particles of amalgam, mercury vapours harmful in certain patients.
In general, people with multiple dental amalgam fillings may have slightly higher mercury levels in their blood or urine, however, they usually remain at a level considered safe. Studies on people with dental amalgam do not show conclusive evidence that dental amalgam causes harmful health effects in the general population.
Drawbacks of Dental Amalgam on Health:
Mercury in amalgam is a highly toxic material. It releases low levels of mercury in the form of vapours. Prolonged mercury vapour inhalation cause various respiratory problems. In addition, it is harmful for the nervous system, digestive system, immune system .
Moreover, the old amalgam fillings when dislodged from the tooth, metal particles enters the body through inhalation or ingestion.
Over a period of time amalgams fillings show wear causing secondary microleakage. In other words, when a decay surrounding the filling / the filling becomes slightly dislodged from the walls of the tooth. Bacteria enters in and reaches the root leading to infection of teeth, which requires a root canal treatment. Teeth sensitivity clear indication that the amalgam filling replaced.

In addition, amalgam fillings made of metal expand and contract due to hot or cold food respectively. This may lead to fracture of teeth or cracking of teeth and loosening of the filling creating gaps for the bacteria to get in. After that, amalgam filling also requires preparation of cavity that involves more loss of tooth structure in contrast to the tooth coloured restoration (composite) that are with very conservative cavity preparation.
Also amalgam fillings are not esthetically pleasing. Furthermore, if the amalgam fillings are in good condition and worn out or broken there’s no need to replace such fillings. Additionally, removal of such fillings may lead to unnecessary mercury exposure.
1980’s Acrylic Ruled
Very high wear and tear functionality
May turn yellow over few years
Only indicated as a temporary material or in dentures
1990’s Metallic Crowns
Gold or chrome-cobalt commonly used
In addition, strong but aesthetics are artificial
Hard to bite on as the load exertion is high
2000’s Zirconia Crowns
Metals were replaced by Zirconia and covered with ceramics
Additionally, Zirconia has good aesthetics but exerts heavy load on bone
Damages the underlying natural teeth or implant.
How do SAPTeethTM manage the forces of teeth bite?
Natural Teeth: Crowing or capping of natural teeth indicated in cases where the tooth damaged due to infection, mobility, and cavity or altered by cosmetic dentistry. In such cases the ability of the Sharpe’s fibres reduces. SAPTeeth redistribute these forces and reduce the load and pressure on the natural tooth, Sharpe’s fibre and the bone.
Dental Implant: SAPTeethTM aims to provide the shock absorbing capability to the teeth. Additionally, as in cases of the dental implant the forces acting on the implant may be in unfavourable angles. In conclusion, SAPTeethTM reduces these forces and helps in immediate load of the dental implant.