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Signs that your Dental Health is decreasing

Dental & Overall Health

If you’re not diligent about your dental health, it can deteriorate over time. But did you know that it’s possible for your teeth to slowly decay from plaque and gingivitis until they are left in a state of terrible disrepair? That will not only affect the aesthetics of your smile but also your general health. It reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke. For example, if you have sensitive teeth, visit a dentist regularly to prevent further damage. If you have bleeding gums, take measures to get them back to normal as quickly as possible before the condition becomes chronic. Here are some common warning signs that indicate your dental health is deteriorating!

You have bleeding gums | Dental health

If plaque or bacteria get deep in the gums and irritate the tissues, you may notice some bleeding. If this happens once or twice, you don’t have to worry. But if it happens regularly, you’re likely to develop gingivitis, which can lead to periodontal disease, a bacterial infection that weakens the tissues surrounding your teeth and causes them to fall out. Gingivitis can be reversed if it’s caught early.

dental hyperaemia bleeding
tooth bleeding

They can clean your teeth and gums and apply a special antibacterial gel to prevent the infection from getting worse. They can also recommend a special regimen of brushing and flossing to prevent gingivitis and future episodes of bleeding. Visit the dentist as soon as you notice signs of bleeding gums so they can help you get back on track.

Your teeth are discoloured | Dental health

If you don’t visit the dentist regularly, plaque can build up on your teeth and break down the enamel. Over time, this can cause your teeth to become discoloured. One of the easiest ways to keep your teeth looking white is to brush and floss regularly. The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth two times a day for two minutes each time.

teeth stain

And you should floss at least once a day. If you have stained teeth, you can ask your dentist about teeth-whitening procedures. They can also recommend other ways to keep your teeth looking their whitest, like avoiding coffee, red wine, and smoking since they stain teeth.

Can you feel a rough texture on your teeth?

If plaque and tartar buildup isn’t removed from your teeth regularly, the enamel can be completely worn away, leaving only the dentin underneath. The dentin is a yellowish material and doesn’t have the shine or texture of enamel. It feels rough to the touch and can sometimes be felt on the teeth when they’re touched.

Don’t dismiss these warning signs and symptoms of oral health. These warning signs can indicate serious dental health problems that, if left untreated, can worsen into larger problems.

If you have dentin exposure, it’s important to visit the dentist to remove the buildup and replace the enamel with a crown or filling. Otherwise, the fragile dentin will continue to wear away, and your teeth will become more brittle. The exposed dentin can cause gum disease and lead to tooth loss.

There’s visible tartar buildup on your teeth | Dental health

When plaque and tartar sit on the teeth for a long time, they can harden into a substance called calculus. This is another form of buildup and can be hard to get off with just brushing and flossing. This hardened plaque can stay on the teeth for a long time and will eventually lead to tooth decay and gum disease if it’s not removed.

dental tartar plaque
Dental tartar

If you’re seeing visible tartar on your teeth and haven’t seen your dentist in a while, it’s important to visit them as soon as possible. They can remove the buildup and help reverse the damage it’s causing to your teeth and gums.

Your mouth constantly feels dry

If you’ve been diligent about dental hygiene and are still experiencing dry mouth, there may be an underlying cause. Several medical conditions can lead to dry mouth, including diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, a history of radiation therapy, and medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics. If you have one of these conditions and have been diligent about dental hygiene, dry mouth could be a symptom that your dental health is deteriorating.

Your dentist can test for these conditions and recommend treatment if necessary. They can also help you implement measures to address dry mouth, including using a Waterpik to irrigate the teeth and gums and using a dry mouth spray to increase saliva production.

Seven signs of poor oral hygiene

  1. Bad breath
  2. Bleeding gums
  3. Dry mouth
  4. Tooth decay
  5. Tooth erosion
  6. Gum disease
  7. General health problems, including diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and dementia

To practice good oral hygiene:

Floss your teeth.

Brush the teeth and gums for two minutes at least twice a day.

Use toothpaste and mouthwash products that contain fluoride.

Avoid smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco products.

Limit sugary foods and drinks.

Eat a well-balanced diet for optimum nutrition.


Unfortunately, dental issues can sneak up on you if you’re not diligent about your oral hygiene. This is why it’s important to schedule regular dental appointments. By doing this, you can catch any issues early and get treatment for them before they become serious problems. If you notice any of these signs that your dental health is deteriorating, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

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