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Gum disease is aptly named. It sounds like something that should be eradicated as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, gum disease doesn’t always have to be treated so aggressively. Gingiva can become inflamed or have pockets of bacteria in them without necessarily being a sign of impending failure. This means you can take natural measures to get rid of it and not have it come back. take care of oral hygiene and prevent gum disease.

If you are reading this because you have been diagnosed with this condition, don’t panic! With the right treatment plan, your gums will start to heal and feel much better in a short amount of time. But if you’re reading this because you want to prevent getting it again – keep reading! There are lots of things that we put into our body every day that are harmful for our gums. Reducing sugar, smoking, and other bad habits can go a long way to keeping your mouth healthy again.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is an inflammatory condition that can affect your gums and your bones. It is caused by poor oral hygiene, poor diet, and smoking, meaning that most people are not affected by it. It is also known as periodontal disease, as it is caused by bacteria living in the gums and creating toxins that damage the surrounding tissues. Periodontal issues is not something that you will be able to tell is happening until it has gotten very bad. This is why it is important to brush your teeth and practice good oral hygiene on a daily basis.

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Tooth Mobility

Why do we get gum disease?

You brush your teeth, right? We all know that’s important for preventing tooth decay. But did you know that brushing your teeth is also essential for the health of your gums? Gums are the soft pink tissue that surrounds your teeth and helps to hold them in place. Your gums are a good indicator of your oral health.

heathy vs gingivitis gums
Gum Disease

Gum disease causes by bacteria

They will tell you when something is not right, but often we don’t notice any kind of warning signs. Gingival disease is caused when bacteria in your mouth combine with the sugars and fats that are naturally found in your saliva and create a sticky, yellow substance called plaque.

gum disease causing cancer
Gum Cancer

Plaque forms on your teeth, but if left untreated it can harden and become a bacterial infection called dental caries, or tooth decay. In addition to brushing your teeth and flossing, you can reduce the risk of developing gum disease by limiting your intake of sugars; consuming plenty of water, fibre, and protein; maintaining a healthy weight; and avoiding smoking.

Natural ways to treat gum disease

Change your diet – You have to go easy on the sweets, refined sugars, and sticky proteins. Your gums will thank you for it.

Avoid smoking – Smoking is very bad for your overall health and it also affects your gums. It will reduce their ability to fight off the bacteria in your mouth.

Limit your intake of caffeine – Caffeine acts as a diuretic and causes your mouth to dry out. This will aggravate the gum disease and slow down the healing process.

Drink plenty of water – Water is essential for good oral health. It will help flush out toxins from your mouth and keep your gingiva healthy.

Brush and floss every day – You should be doing this anyway, but if you have gum disease you need to be even more diligent. Remember, brushing and flossing are not just ways to remove plaque from your teeth. They are also great ways to take care of your gums. 


Periodontal disease is usually caused by bad oral hygiene, a poor diet, or smoking. Natural ways to treat gum disease include changing your diet, avoiding smoking, limiting your intake of caffeine, drinking plenty of water, brushing and flossing daily, and visiting the dentist for a professional cleaning every 6 months.

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