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Broken Roots: Replacing Tooth Roots

root canal treatment

Broken teeth are painful and can be very embarrassing. They can also be challenging to deal with, especially if it is the result of an accident or other traumatic event. When your tooth has a broken root, you may feel like there is not much that you can do. Fortunately, this isn’t entirely the case. Whether you have a broken root on a permanent tooth or your baby tooth has fallen out and left its root exposed, you still have options to deal with the issue effectively. Typically, when we refer to a broken tooth root, it means that the pulp canal containing vessels and nerves – has been compromised. So what exactly can you do? Let’s take a closer look.

Try acupuncture for broken tooth root

While the immediate goal with a broken tooth is to try and stop the pain and bleeding, you also want to speed healing as much as possible. This can be difficult with a tooth that has suffered trauma, as it will be in a constant state of inflammation. Because acupuncture is all about bringing balance to the body, including the mouth, it can be an excellent form of treatment for a broken tooth.


In fact, it has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation, increasing blood flow, promoting healing, and improving the overall health of the gums. It is also a fantastic option if you are looking to avoid the use of medications. When it comes to the health of your gums, your best bet is to avoid drugs whenever possible.

Get a root canal treatment for broken tooth

If your tooth is badly broken and you can’t see any way that it can be saved, you may want to consider having a root canal done. Root canals are sometimes necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed, infected, or dies due to a broken tooth or tooth fracture. When the root has been seriously damaged, your dentist might recommend that you have a root canal instead of a root filling or crown.

This is the best way to ensure that the tooth can remain healthy and functional. Root canal procedures are often done to save teeth that have been severely damaged due to decay, injury, or trauma. When a root canal is done, the dentist removes any bacteria or decayed tissue from inside the tooth, along with the pulp. They then clean the inside of the tooth and fill the cleaned-out root canal with special dental materials.

Types of cracked teeth

  • Craze lines. These are tiny cracks that only affect the outer enamel. Craze lines are common for adults. They are shallow, cause no pain, and are of no concern beyond the way they look.
  • Fractured cusp. When a piece of a tooth’s chewing surface breaks off, it’s called a fractured cusp. It usually doesn’t cause much pain.
  • Cracked tooth. A cracked tooth means a crack extends from the chewing surface vertically toward the root. Early diagnosis is important in this case to save the tooth. A cracked tooth left untreated will get worse as time goes by and can result in a loss of the tooth. Early treatment is essential in saving cracked teeth.
  • Split tooth. A split tooth is usually the result of a long-term cracked tooth. It is identified by a crack with distinct segments that can be separated. A split tooth cannot be saved intact.
  • Vertical root fracture. These cracks begin in the root of the tooth and extend toward the chewing surface. Often, they show minimal signs and symptoms. Many times, they are discovered when the surrounding bone and gum become infected.

Choose dental reconstruction

A dental reconstruction might be needed if your tooth was badly damaged, but the root was not broken. This is a common scenario among younger children who lose their baby teeth before their adult teeth have come in. If the tooth is decayed or has a large filling that makes it vulnerable to breakage, it is usually a good idea to have it extracted.

Tooth Root pieces
artificial tooth root

Once the tooth is gone, however, you will want to replace it with a dental bridge. This is a great option if you want to keep your teeth intact but want an extra layer of protection. A dental bridge can replace a single tooth, or several teeth at once. It is often recommended for those who grind their teeth.

Have a root canal and crown to save broken tooth

If the tooth root has been seriously damaged, you may have no other option but to have it extracted and replaced with a dental crown. You will likely want to do this if the root is decayed or broken in a way that it can’t be fixed. If you have a root canal done on a tooth that still has a root, a crown is often recommended as a way to enhance the tooth’s structural integrity. This is especially important if your tooth has been weakened by decay. If you have a root canal done on a tooth that has no root, you will likely have to have the tooth extracted and replaced with a dental implant.


While having a broken tooth can be very painful and overwhelming, you don’t have to deal with the problem indefinitely. There are many effective ways to handle a broken tooth, from root canals to dental reconstructions. The first step, however, is recognizing when a tooth has been broken. When you have a broken tooth, you might notice that the tooth is sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, and may be more likely to become infected. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should seek out treatment right away. A broken tooth should be treated as soon as possible to prevent infection and promote healing.

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