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Are dental implants permanent?

implant in tooth

Dental implants are a common procedure that helps people restore missing teeth. But you might be wondering if they’re a long-term solution or just a temporary fix. The answer is yes and no. Implants are considered permanent because they’re meant to stay in your mouth forever. Once they’ve been placed, your dentist will not need to see you again for another few years due to their longevity. Having any kind of procedure can be nerve-wracking. At first glance, dental implants may seem like an odd choice for someone who doesn’t have a lot of time left on this earth. But think about it from the other perspective: If you have any kids, grandkids, nieces, or nephews who you want to give something to someday soon.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed into your jaw. They’re meant to act as a new tooth root, allowing you to attach a false tooth and feel comfortable with your smile. Implants are a great solution for people who have one or more missing teeth. That’s because they can be used to anchor a denture or a bridge. There are also implants that are meant to replace a single tooth. This is often done if you have an exposed tooth root where that tooth was removed. Implants aren’t just for people who have missing teeth. They are also used to replace teeth that have been removed due to gum disease, injury, or dental disease.

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All-on-4 Dental Implants

Why are they permanent?

Dental implants stay in your mouth forever because they are implanted into your gums. But that doesn’t mean that you need to keep them forever. It’s true that your dentist will want you to keep your implant for the rest of your life. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t ever take it out. There are two times when you may want to consider removing your implant:

You die: This is the obvious reason.

You want to replace it with a denture: If you decide that you want a denture to replace your implant-retained denture, then you’ll need to have your implant removed.

Are dental implants painful?

Dental implants are not painful, but they may cause some mild discomfort. During the procedure, your dentist will numb your gums. However, they will not numb your teeth. That’s not possible. So you may feel sensitivity in your teeth as your gums heal. Additionally, you may experience some sensitivity if you have dentures attached to the implants. If you have other dental problems that cause pain, implants may not take away all of your discomforts. For example, if you have periodontal disease, implants aren’t likely to help.


How much do dental implants cost?

Dental implants can cost upwards of $5,000, making them one of the most expensive options for replacing a tooth. That said, dental implants are usually covered by insurance. Dental implants are usually considered cosmetic procedures. As such, they’re usually not covered by health insurance. If you have dental insurance, you’ll need to check with your provider to see if they will cover the cost. Because dental implants are cosmesis, you may need to pay out of pocket. If you do, consider finding a dental savings plan, like those offered by Dental Savings.

The downside: It’s not a quick fix.

Dental implants can take months to heal. If you’re replacing one tooth, it could take you anywhere from six to nine months before you have the new tooth implanted. You’re replacing a few teeth, it could take up to a year for your gums to fully heal. If you want to replace all of your teeth with an implant-retained denture, it could take even longer. You’ll need to wait until your gums have fully healed, and then you’ll need to have the dentures attached.

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Why does it take so long? Like most things in life, the more complicated something is, the longer it takes. Replacing teeth with implants is more complicated than with dentures. That’s because, with dentures, you have to attach them to your gums—which takes only a few weeks. But with implants, you have to place a titanium post into your jawbone, which takes months.

Should you get a dental implant?

If you have one or more missing teeth, dental implants are a great option. They’re long-lasting, and they’re a way to restore your confidence in your smile. You’ll want to make sure you’re in good health and that you’re committed to the long healing process. However, dentures are another option. Depending on your situation, they may be a better choice for you. They’re cheaper, easier to get and take less time to heal.

But they’re less long-lasting and not as attractive as dental implants. If you want to keep your smile long-term, dental implants are a good option. They are more expensive than dentures, but they keep your jaw strong and they last forever.

Bottom line

When you lose a tooth, there are a few options for replacing it. The simplest option is to wear a denture. However, these are not as attractive and they can be uncomfortable. Another option is a bridge. However, these are more complicated, and they require careful maintenance. Dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth. They are more expensive than the other options, but they last forever and they look natural when done correctly.

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