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How frequently should you visit the dentist?

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Dental visits can be scary, but for good reason. Keeping your teeth healthy requires frequent and careful attention. If you don’t visit the dentist as often as is recommended, your risk of developing cavities or gingivitis increases. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know how often they should be visiting the dentist. If you don’t visit regularly, it might lead to costly dental treatments, infections or even tooth loss in some cases. Here are some reasons why you should visit the dentist more frequently than once a year!

Check for cavities and gum disease

Cavities, or dental caries, are the most common dental problem. They’re caused by bacteria in the mouth breaking down sugar, forming a sticky substance that hardened into plaque on your teeth. This bacteria can cause a number of dental conditions, including cavities, gum disease and tooth decay. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums and provide any necessary treatment, such as cleaning or filling any cavities.

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For healthy teeth

Visiting the dentist regularly will allow you to catch any issues with your teeth early and prevent serious and costly dental treatments, such as root canals. Unfortunately, not everyone can catch cavities with a visual inspection. If you have sensitive teeth or are prone to cavities, your dentist may recommend that you use a fluoride varnish. This varnish coats your teeth and helps reduce tooth sensitivity. It also helps prevent and reverse any early cavities.

Have your teeth cleaned and checked for any problems

Brushing your teeth is one of the best ways to prevent cavities and gum disease. But it’s not as effective as you might think. In fact, dentists recommend that people clean their teeth with a dental cleaning once every six months for the best results. During the cleaning process, your dentist will use a rubber scraper or an ultrasonic cleaning tool to remove any hardened plaque and debris from your teeth. They may also perform an exam to look for any problems or issues with your teeth.

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After the cleaning, your dentist will also apply a fluoride treatment to help prevent cavities and gum disease. If you have sensitive teeth, your dentist will recommend a desensitizing toothpaste. If you have braces, your dentist may suggest a special toothpaste to help keep them clean and free of build-up. If you have crowns, dentures or other dental work, your dentist may recommend a special cleaning solution.

You’ll know what type of dental work you need

Some people wait until they have a serious dental problem before they visit their dentist. Other people visit the dentist regularly and receive preventative treatments, such as teeth cleanings, fluoride treatments and sealants. But many people do not know when to get each type of treatment. Teeth cleanings remove plaque and debris from your teeth and prevent gum disease.

Brushing your teeth daily with a fluoride toothpaste is also a great way to prevent cavities. Unfortunately, neither of these treatments can repair early dental damage. Sealants and fluoride treatments prevent cavities, but they don’t repair them. If you have early signs of decay, such as tooth sensitivity or slight discoloration, you may need to visit the dentist for a filling or other dental treatment.

How often should you visit dentist?

Answer = Regardless of how you feel about your overall oral health, it is important to see a dentist regularly. A reasonable goal is to visit the dentist at least once a year for an oral health checkup, although some evidence suggests that those at a low risk for disease may extend to 18-24 months.

dental visits

How often should you have dentist check ups?

Answer = The number will vary for different people, but usually we recommend having a dental check up every six months. If you are suffering from dental problems or have poor oral health, your dentist may recommend you visit as often as every three months for a check up. Healthy teeth are important for overall health.


Now that you know why you should visit the dentist more often than once a year, it’s time to get yourself on a better dental health schedule. You can’t spot and treat for cavities if you don’t know they exist. And if you ignore early signs of gum disease, it could become much more serious and painful. Depending on your dental health and oral hygiene habits, you may need to visit the dentist every six months or even more frequently. Talk to your dentist about the best dental health schedule for you.

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