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Good and Bad Bacteria in Your Mouth

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Have you ever wondered what’s going on in your mouth? Maybe you’ve noticed some odd odours or a feeling of dryness. Or, perhaps you’ve seen some white patches or yellowish stains on your teeth. Chances are, you’re dealing with an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in your mouth. Knowing how to keep them in balance is key to maintaining good oral health. In this article, we’ll explore what they are, why they’re important, and how to keep them in balance. By understanding the balance of good and bad bacteria in your mouth, you can maintain a healthy, vibrant smile.

There Are Billions of Bacteria in Your Mouth … and They Begin Colonizing at Birth 

What are good and bad bacteria?

Bacteria are tiny organisms that are present in nearly every environment on Earth. There are more bacteria on the planet than all other lifeforms combined! A small number of them live in our bodies – both inside and outside the body’s tissues. When levels of harmful bacteria become too high, it can cause damage to the body’s tissues and impair the function of organs.

bacteria in mouth

There are two main types of bacteria – good and bad. “Good” are also referred to as probiotics or microbiota. They’re found throughout the digestive system, skin, and mouth. These are helpful to the body as they aid in digestion, boost immune function, and protect against infection. “Bad” are referred to as pathogens. These types cause infections and diseases. For example, the one that cause cavities are considered pathogenic.

How to keep good and bad bacteria in balance?

An overgrowth of harmful bacteria is called an infection. Infections can be very painful and affect the health of your mouth and digestive system. To keep harmful bacteria in check, you must maintain a healthy oral environment. Here are a few ways you can do that: Brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Tooth brushing removes them from the surface of your teeth.

dental flossing for clean mouth

Flossing removes bacteria from between your teeth. When you brush and floss regularly, you help maintain a healthy amount of bacteria.

These are the most common methods used to keep them in check. However, they aren’t the only ways. You can also use mouthwash, special mouth rinses, and probiotic supplements to get the same results.

The two most common harmful bacteria related to gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, include Treponema denticola and Porphyromonas gingival. These types can survive without oxygen and can multiply rapidly. They cause inflammation in your gums and disrupt the good bacteria in your mouth.

Benefits of maintaining a balance of good and bad bacteria

  • Improved oral and overall health: When you maintain a healthy amount of bacteria, you reduce your risk of infections. Maintaining a healthy amount of them also reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
teeth brushing for healthy mouth

Strong, healthy teeth are essential to a vibrant smile. Regular brushing and flossing reduce the risk of cavities and tooth decay. This prevents tooth loss and keeps your smile healthy and bright.

  • Improved digestion: The bacteria in your digestive system break down food into nutrients that your body can use. If you don’t have enough good bacteria in your body, it can slow down digestion. This can lead to uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea.
According to the National Institutes of Health, your mouth is home to 700 species of microorganisms or bacteria that live on your teeth, tongue, and even the pockets between your tooth and gum!
  • Better overall health: A balanced amount of bacteria in your body boosts your immune system. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight and feel energized. Regularly maintaining a healthy amount also helps you avoid heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
mouth hygiene

A balanced amount of bacteria in your mouth helps you maintain good oral hygiene. It also helps you avoid bad breath, cavities, and other oral health issues.

Every time you drink a glass of water, you swallow millions of bacteria!


There are many benefits to maintaining a healthy amount of bacteria in your mouth and digestive system. Regular brushing and flossing and other hygiene routines help reduce the risk of cavities, tooth decay, and other oral health issues. When you maintain a healthy amount of bacteria, you also boost your immune system and digestive health. This helps you avoid heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. With all the benefits of maintaining a healthy amount of them, it’s important to keep the balance of good and bad bacteria in check. Make sure to brush and floss regularly. You can also use mouthwash and probiotic supplements to help keep them in check.

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