HIPC is also known as High Impact Polymer Composite which is one of the materials in the SAPTeeth Technology group, used for long term dental prosthesis. It is amorphous cross link composite material offering higher physical values. They have been clinically proven and wear and tear approved for over 9 years. They are manufactured under controlled environment of high temperature and pressure. It uses approximately 12degree Celsius and 250 bars of pressure.
HIPC offers excellent aesthetic translucency and opalescent properties. It is highly recommended in smile designing of anterior teeth. Color stability is brilliant as HIPC comes in multiple shade forms, hence providing similarities to that of natural teeth. Its the best and advanced material in cosmetic dentistry.
HIPC also has high strength, thrust used in fixed crown and bridge work. It has great shock absorbable properties offering great stability to the underlying teeth and gingiva. Hardness of HIPC is nearest to natural tooth .Its density is similar to the dentin of the natural tooth.
Advantages of SAPTeeth HIPC
HIPC fabricated crown offer great cervical strength. It evenly distributes the masticatory forces providing increased occlusal strength .immediate prosthesis in the form of a single crown or bridge can be fabricated on an implant case, because of its excellent elastic properties as compared to full ceramic or zirconia.
HIPC material is widely used in fabrication of crowns, bridges, onlays, inlays, crown and bridges for implant work, veneers, removable dental prosthesis, secondary bridges and various framework. SAPTeeth HIPC offers wide range of dental prosthesis which are extremely well suited for long term usage. HIPC are safe in use being plaque resistant, advanced gingival compatibility, and resistant to discoloration, The level of patient acceptance is increased due to its resemblance to natural tooth structure. HIPC processing technique are minimized in the lab, thus saving the overall cost.
Material science of SAPTeeth Polymers
It is a cross linked composite polymer that offers higher physical values than conventional PMMA. They are manufactured under controlled environment of high temperature and pressure. As there are no use of dental glass or light cured plastics, the colour retention and plaque resistance is comparable with ceramic restorations. They have been clinically proven and approved for over 9 years of wear-off use.
Advantages of SAPTeeth:
- Metal Free with approved expected life of 9 years of wear off capability
- Reduces the load on the joint to only about 4%.
- Plaque resistant, Aesthetic, translucent and opalescent
Material properties:
- Strength – > 120 mpa with minimal solubility in saliva
- E-modulus – > 2200 mpa
Most versatile material. They can be used as permanent dental prosthesis with implant, natural tooth or both. They have an excellent gingival response and pressure absorbing capability.