Root Canal Treatment and dental filling

Generally, people are less concerned when it comes to dental treatment. So most patients avoid getting dental treatment done and also feel that dental procedures are very expensive and time-consuming as multiple visits are required. Filling & Root Canal Treatment is a very common dental procedure carried out extensively.

Around 1.5 crore people undergo root canals in the Western world, it is estimated that in India this number would be way higher. As a nation, the amount of time & effort which a multiple-sitting root canal therapy would take would amount to huge costs when compared with single-sitting root canal therapies.

Despite your efforts to keep teeth clean and healthy, sometimes cavities are unavoidable. Luckily, Dr. Chirag Chamria and his team offer white composite fillings and root canal in Mumbai! A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay. Composites are also used for cosmetic improvements of the smile by changing the color of the teeth or reshaping disfigured teeth.

Root Canal Treatment Possible in Few Hours!

What is a Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure aimed at saving a tooth that has a severely infected or damaged pulp. The pulp is the innermost part of the tooth, containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected or inflamed pulp, cleans and disinfects the root canal system, and then fills and seals the space with a material called gutta-percha. This helps to prevent further infection and restore the tooth’s function.

When do you need a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment is typically needed when the innermost part of the tooth, known as the pulp, becomes infected or damaged. In situations where dental fillings are not feasible, Root Canal Treatment may become necessary.

Here are some of the reasons where Root Canal Treatment may become necessary.

1. Broken Tooth:
When your tooth breaks, you are at risk of losing the tooth or spreading an infection to other teeth. There are many ways someone can break a tooth, such as playing sports, slipping, falling, or eating hard foods. The pain from a damaged or broken tooth can be excruciating if not treated quickly and effectively.

2. Dental Pain:
Toothache is caused when the nerve in the root of a tooth or surrounding it is irritated. Dental infection, decay, injury, or tooth loss are the most common causes of dental pain. Pain may also occur after an extraction.

3. Tooth Cavity:
Tooth decay, is a hole that forms in your tooth. Cavities start small and gradually become bigger when left untreated. Since many cavities do not cause pain initially, it can be challenging to realize that a problem exists. Regular dental appointments can help detect tooth decay or cavities early on.

Root Canal Treatment

What is the cost of Root Canal in Mumbai?

The cost of root canal treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the location of the dental clinic, the complexity of the case, the tooth being treated, and the experience of the dentist. Additionally, the cost may also depend on whether a dental crown or other restorative work is needed after the root canal procedure. It is best to consult with your dentist who can evaluate your specific case and provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

Get Dental Filling & Root Canal Treatment in Just One Day!

Why Get a Root Canal Treatment Done?

In layman’s terms, a root canal is a procedure used to treat tooth infections in which the tooth has to be put under pressure to prevent the infection from spreading. Root canals are performed by creating a hole through the tooth and injecting medication to kill the bacteria in the tooth. The medication is injected at the level of the pulp or lingual nerves.  It is a simple procedure that doesn’t have any side effects and hence requires little anesthesia and comfort during the procedure.
After eradicating the infection from the tooth, a dental crown is placed over the area to protect the natural tooth from further damage. This is the gist of the Root Canal Treatment.Generally, people are less concerned when it comes to dental treatment. Hence, most patients avoid getting dental treatment done and also feel that dental procedures are very expensive and time-consuming as multiple visits are required. However, Root canal treatment is a very common dental procedure and can be carried out in one sitting.

If you have pain or infection due to a cavity, which is deep and near the pulp of your teeth; you may need options other than Dental Filling.

How Deep is Your Cavity? Is it Exposed to the Pulp of your Teeth?

Ideally speaking a root canal procedure is not as painful as a patient would anticipate when done with good hands. The pain related to root canal infection is mostly anxiety related or related to other medical conditions. The throbbing pain which patients would feel is due to grossly carious tooth as the pulp is already exposed to the outer surface. Depending upon the severity of the pain from mild, to moderate to severe, local anesthesia is injected.

  • Indirect Pulp Capping or Filling:
    This pulp treatment is instituted when the decay is very near the pulp but has just not reached the pulp. Further, the pulp remains intact, but is exposed after the decay is completely removed by your dentist. The usual material used for this purpose is calcium hydroxide, which not only soothes the pulp but also plays an important role in re-mineralization near the affected area.
  • Complete Pulpectomy or Root Canal Treatment: This pulp therapy treatment is instituted when the decay has reached the pulp. Further, the pulp is partially or completely damaged. Your dentist removes the entire damaged pulp from the pulp chamber as well as the roots. The roots are then filled (usually with Gutta Percha) immediately or after a few dressings of cotton embedded in medicine.

Restore Your Smile with Expert Root Canal Treatment in Mumbai

Don’t let tooth pain or sensitivity affect your quality of life any longer. Contact us now and discover the transformative benefits of our exceptional root canal treatment services.

What is the Procedure for Root Canals in Mumbai at Royal Implant?

At Royal Implant, we specialize in providing efficient and effective root canals in Mumbai in just one day. Our skilled team of dentists and advanced technology allow us to streamline the procedure, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience for our patients. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure precision and optimal results.

Our focus on patient comfort is paramount. With our expertise in root canal treatments, we aim to save your natural tooth, alleviate pain, and restore dental health efficiently. Trust Royal Implant for exceptional root canal procedures carried out with precision, care, and in just one day.

Root Canal Patients Testimonials

Dental Filling and Root Canal Treatment: Before & After

BEFORE & AFTER - Root Canal

root canal xray
root canal xray

Why should one consider getting a root canal treatment in the first place? In simple terms, a root canal is a procedure performed to treat a tooth infection and prevent the spread of infection. It involves creating a small hole in the tooth and applying medication to eliminate bacteria within the tooth. This medication is injected at the level of the pulp or lingual nerves. The procedure is straightforward, with minimal side effects, and requires only a small amount of anesthesia, ensuring comfort throughout the process.

BEFORE & AFTER - Tooth Decay

tooth filling
tooth filling

Tooth decay occurs when oral bacteria chemically dissolve the minerals in your teeth, particularly calcium and phosphorus. These bacteria are present in your mouth, but they generally do not pose significant health risks unless you have an immune system deficiency. When cavities form, one of the most common treatments is dental fillings. During this procedure, the dentist will remove the infected material from your tooth, thoroughly clean the remaining tooth, and then fill the cavity with a substance that strengthens the tooth and provides protection against future decay. Common filling materials include composite resins, dental crowns, and gold fillings.

BEFORE & AFTER - Root Canal for Advanced Decay

root canal
root canal

Root canal treatment is a recommended option for advanced decay that affects the root of a tooth, particularly when it extends below the gum line. This procedure involves the removal of infected tissue from the root canal and filling it to restore functionality and prevent further infection. Root canals are considered a definitive treatment for severe tooth decay, although they are often seen as a last resort due to the complexity and time required for the procedure. Despite the challenges involved, root canals are highly effective in saving teeth and alleviating pain caused by infection or decay.

BEFORE & AFTER: Multiple Root Canals

Multiple Root Canal

BEFORE & AFTER: Root Canal with Crown

Root Canal with Crown

Root canal treatment for tooth cavity: If you have advanced decay in your root (the portion of your tooth that extends below the gum line), your dentist may recommend a root canal. In this procedure, your dentist will remove the infected tissue and replace it with a filling. Root canals are often thought of as the “last resort” treatment, as they are difficult and time-consuming to perform.

BEFORE & AFTER: Dental Filling

Dental Filling Composite

BEFORE & AFTER: Single Tooth Composite

Single Tooth Composite

It is common to experience small damages to teeth in today’s fast-paced world. If you have a broken, chipped, or fractured tooth, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible. Delaying treatment could lead to further damage or infection, potentially resulting in tooth loss. Cracked teeth can be extremely painful and may lead to infection if left untreated. Sometimes, a cracked tooth may not show visible signs of damage on the outside but could have internal damage that is not immediately apparent. Therefore, prompt dental attention is crucial to assess and address any tooth damage or potential complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of a failed root canal treatment?

Symptoms of a failed root canal treatment include persistent pain, swelling, tenderness, sensitivity to heat or cold, recurring or new infections, and tooth discoloration. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to consult your dentist for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Which is better – Root Canal or Extraction?

The decision between a root canal treatment and tooth extraction depends on several factors and should be made in consultation with a dentist. Generally, we at Royal Implant prefer to save natural teeth whenever possible. Root canal treatment aims to remove the infected pulp, clean the root canal, and seal it to save the tooth. This option allows you to retain the natural tooth, maintain proper biting and chewing function, and prevent neighboring teeth from shifting. Whereas, Tooth extraction involves removing the entire tooth from the socket. This may be recommended if the tooth is extensively damaged, infected, or if there is overcrowding.

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

A root canal is not painful but the procedure that precedes it might be. Before a dentist can perform a it, they have to numb the area around the tooth so they can access it properly. During a root canal treatment, local anesthesia is used to numb the area, so you shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. If there is pain post the procedure, this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers and typically subsides within a few days.

Is there any alternative to root canal treatment?

Yes, there are alternatives to root canal treatment depending on the specific situation and condition of the tooth. Alternative options to root canal treatment include dental fillings, dental crowns, pulp capping, and tooth extraction. The suitability of each option depends on the condition of the tooth. Consulting with a dentist will help determine the best alternative for your specific case.