Gummy Smile Correction in Mumbai
The excess of gingival tissue displayed during smiling is called a gummy smile. Smile is very subjective, some patients are ok with excessive gingival display and some are not. Gingiva is a part of the oral mucosa that covers the alveolar process of the jaws and surrounds the neck of the teeth in a collar-like fashion. A Gummy smile has no adverse effects it only hampers aesthetics for some patients. Abnormal tooth eruption or jaw discrepancies with improper bite give rise to a gummy smile. Before going further with the Gummy smile treatment in Mumbai the dentist examines the size, and shape of the tooth, face, and lips to get good results restoring in the smile.
Causes of Gummy Smile:
- Vertical maxillary excess (overgrowth of the maxilla, short ramus)
- Altered active and passive eruption
- Teeth appear short due to abrupt eruption which may partially be covered by gum tissue
- Teeth that are small in comparison to the gums due to genetics or wear
- Shorter upper lip as compared to lower
- A hyperactive upper lip that lifts too high when smiling exposing gum tissue
- Overgrown upper jaw, that makes gums bulge out
Gummy Smile Correction Cost in Mumbai
The cost of gummy smile correction in Mumbai can vary widely depending on various factors such as the specific treatment required, the clinic or dental surgeon’s reputation, and the complexity of the procedure. For personalized quotes and expert advice, contact Royal Dental Clinic, a trusted name in dental care in Mumbai. You can reach out to us at +91 9820012621 to schedule a consultation and discuss your gummy smile correction options.
Treatment options for Gummy Smile:
Lip repositioning surgery: The upper lip is brought close to the teeth by making an incision at the mucogingival junction from inside the lip. A partial thickness flap is removed and the underlying connective tissue is exposed The lip is then pulled down and sutured to the teeth. This is done so that the lip cannot retract much
Gingivectomy: The excessive gums are cut by scalpel or laser. The gums may be replaced to their original position then the procedure has to be repeated a few months later.
Crown lengthening: In this, both gingiva and bone surrounding the roots of the teeth are trimmed for more stable results to attain smile correction. Tooth size should be kept in mind before performing this procedure
Gummy smile due to vertical maxillary excess: Orthodontic surgical correction is required in such cases. However, if the gummy smile is not associated with severe skeletal discrepancy intrusion of anterior teeth can be done.
Proper selection of treatment options, diagnosis, and patient cooperation are key factors in achieving satisfactory results for gummy smile correction in Mumbai.
Don’t Quarantine From A Perfect Smile That You Deserve!
Due to the ongoing pandemic & most of us working from home, dental experts believe that this is the perfect time for a मुस्कान मेकओवर. As venturing out of the house & attending social events are at a minimum, this time can be best utilized to get acquainted with your new transformed Smile. Nearly any dental problem you can imagine can be addressed in one way or another through modern cosmetic dentistry.
Experience a transformed smile in just one day! Contact Royal Dental Clinics in Mumbai now to schedule your gummy smile correction treatment in Mumbai. Don’t wait any longer to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Call us at +91 9820012621 and take the first step towards your confident new smile today.
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