Cost of Dental Implants factors | India Dental Tourism
Cost of Dental Implants: Dental implants surgery are medical devices which are used to replace a missing root of the tooth. These dental implants are usually made of titanium. Research on non-titanium zirconia and PEEK implants has also been done. The size and the design of the dental implants should be according to the patients jaw and need.
In market there are many branded dental implants available which are according to standard size and design. But in cases where the bone is weak or requires specialised attention then customised dental implants can also be fabricated.
The cost of the dental implants depends on the brand and the doctor. A custom dental implant may not always be higher when compared with many implant brands in the market. The dental implant treatment by itself and the complexity of the case plays an important role in determination of the cost of the dental implant.
Cost of Dental Implants depends on the following:
More than dental implants surgery it is the prosthetics or the fixed teeth which play an important role in the dental implants. Traditionally, the lower costing metal, ceramics and zirconia’s are used to restore the missing tooth, but in cases where the patients opt for more bio-friendly, physiological and shock absorbable materials then SAPTeethTM is recommended. These materials may be a little expensive at the start but in the long run due to their benefits may turn out to be more cost effective when compared with other alternates.
Factors that determine Cost of Dental Implant in India? Dental Tourism
???? The cost of the dental implant depends on the dentist’s service fee. A custom dental implant may be higher when compared with many implant brands in the market.
???? The treatment by itself and the complexity of the case plays an important role in determination of the cost of dental implant. Some implants start from 100 USD in India and may even vary up to 1200 USD for zygomatic cases. While in Europe or USA, these costs start itself from 1500 USD for a basal implant. This is one of the reasons why India has recently become a major tourist hub of Dental Care Solutions.
???? Dental insurance cost in India is negligible compared to what is charged in comparison to western countries like the USA, UK. That’s why they come over India where the cost of the treatment is almost one-third of that in the US with no dental insurance cost.
???? More than dental implants it is the prosthesis or crowns which play an important role in dental implants. Traditionally, the lower costing metal, ceramics, and zirconia’s used to restore the missing tooth, but in cases where the patients opt for more bio-friendly, and shock absorbable materials then SAPTeeth are recommended.
Visit for more information. To know if you are a suitable candidate for SAPTeethTM , consult today.
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