Blood in Saliva due to Trauma from Occlusion

When occlusal forces exceed the adaptive capacity of periodontium it is called trauma from occlusion. When upper and lower teeth close in harmony during chewing or at rest it is called as occlusion. In cases of infection or trauma the occlusion is hampered and relationship of teeth with each other changes. So the occlusion also changes. This occlusion is called traumatic occlusion and the resultant injury caused by this occlusion is called trauma from occlusion.

Causes of bleeding from Occlusion:

  1. Biting on hard objects
  2. High fillings
  3. Tight contacts
  4. Pathological migration due to missing teeth
  5. Supra eruption 
  6. Ill fitting prosthesis like crowns and bridges
  7. Plunger cusps

Signs and symptoms:

Tooth mobility 

Blood in saliva

Tooth migration

Sensitivity to hot and cold

Dental pain


Bone loss leading to bone defects

Blood in saliva from occlusion;

Blood in saliva is one of the clinical signs of trauma from occlusion. Patients with trauma from occlusion usually present with bony defects most commonly 3 walled bony defects. The three walled bony defects are the defects characterized by presence of three walls and loss of one wall. Such defects are filled with micro organism, food debris, blood, inflammatory mediators , PMN’s , macrophages, mast cells. At night as there is no movement of muscles and cleaning activity of saliva there is pooling if blood in the oral cavity. In the morning while rinsing or spitting the patient finds presence of blood in saliva.

Scaling and root planing – Thorough debridement of plaque and calculus with ultrasonic devices is done to keep the surfaces clean.

Replacing faulty restorations- Faulty restorations should be replaced with well defined restorations having proper seal and contacts.

Coronoplasty /occlusal reduction: Selective grinding of tooth cusps is done by using occlusal strips. A period of 3-4 weeks is given for healing of periodontal tissues.

Splinting- Tooth mobility is restricted by splinting the mobile teeth together. It can be done by orthodontic wire, fiber splints or full crowns.

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